The Death of Ophelia Winston

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She didn't know that he was the one who unlocked the chamber of secrets or that he had killed people, or that he had made Horcruxes, or that he planned on making her Horcruxes so that they could be together forever. It was the last bad thing he was going to do, he didn't need to be the greatest sorcerer in the world anymore, he just needed her, he was going to be good... for her, but he had to make himself and the girl Horcruxes so they could cheat death and be together forever.

Suddenly the door to the room began to slowly appear, the teenagers quickly shared a look before using their wands to put their clothes on quickly and they jumped out of the bed which then disappeared and in its place, appeared a few couches. The door opened and in walked Albus Dumbledore, with his wand in his hand.

"Professor Dumbledore" Ophelia muttered, her cheeks were red in embarrassment, "sorry we were out of bed Sir" Dumbledore looked to the girl with a small smile but it quickly disappeared

"Miss Winston, would you mind leaving Mr Riddle and I to have a quick word alone, it will only take a moment, if you could just wait outside, that would be much appreciated," Dumbledore told the girl, and the tone in his voice made her gut fill with worry as a sickening feeling filled her chest


"Sir, I know the attacks ended quite a while ago, but I still don't feel comfortable with Ophelia walking around the halls by herself this late in the evening" Tom Riddle spoke back politely, in his usual charming voice, but Dumbledore had had enough of the boy

"I'm not sure that you want Miss Winston hearing what I have to say to you, but if you want her to stay, then she can," Dumbledore said and raised his eyebrows but Tom still insisted on the girl staying there with him, "very well. Tom I have come to talk to you about your behaviour. I am concerned about the path that you are heading down. Your interests in the dark arts it's concerningly extreme"

The teens stayed silent but the transfiguration teacher continued, "I have decided that the best decision to save the wizarding world... would be to eliminate the danger"

"Eliminate the danger?" The Hufflepuff asked in confusion, "Sir I'm afraing I don't understand" she muttered but Tom understood what he was saying right away.

"Oph, go back to the Hufflepuff common room, I'll talk to you tomorrow alright?" Tom said with a blank look on his face as he stared at the headmaster.

"Wait what?" She said in confusion and began to look between the two males, the tension in the room became so thick that it could be cut with a knife, "Tom what's happening?"

"Tom is the one that opened the chamber and framed Hagrid" Albus Dumbledore stated with a blank face, "he is evil and has been manipulating you, he doesn't love you, he can't love anyone," Dumbledore explained and the Hufflepuff's eyebrows furrowed as she let out a small scoff and a laugh, thinking that he had to be joking, but then the look on the mans face told her that Dumbledore was not trying to joke

"I'm sorry Sir but you're wrong, Tom would never do something like that, sure he's done some bad stuff but he isn't a bad person, he wouldn't kill Myrtle" Ophelia defended her boyfriend, "and he does love me, I know he does," she told him and then turned to Tom, "right?" she whispered out and Tom finally looked away from the headmaster and down towards the girl

"I do love you Ophelia, no matter what anyone tells you, I do," he told her sincerely and it was the truth, he didn't know how and he didn't even really know why he was able to love her when he was so sure he could never love anyone, but he knew he loved her

"And you didn't open the chamber of secrets right?" she asked with a positive voice and a desperate look on her face but when Tom didn't answer this question, she already knew the answer and she felt like she was going to be sick, "Oh Helga" she choked out "no. This is some kind of joke."

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