28. How to Win a Battle

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I expected him to remove his hands at any moment, realizing what exactly it was he was doing - kissing the enemy, the person who killed his brother and had been a pain in his ass for years. But he merely moved his magical fingers from the backs of my thighs to the side, his hands roaming along them. I was momentarily glad I wasn't wearing a skirt or a dress, or else things might get very interesting very quickly.

As it was, though, I wasn't one to wear such items.

Also, he had practically taken control over the kiss, and even though I was definitely an amateur kisser - and he clearly wasn't - I couldn't allow such a thing.

So, swiftly, I untangled my hands from his shirt and slid them down, discovering the hem, and was met with the flat, toned muscles of his stomach. At the same time, I softly bit down on his lip.

How do you like it, Big Bad Alpha?

He did like it, it turned out, as a strangled groan erupted from his throat.

Well, if I wasn't turned on before, I definitely was now.

My tongue met with his, clashing together as I made a similar noise. He seemed to sense my intentions of taking control, and he fought me, his hands sliding up my thighs and beneath my shirt, mirroring my movements.

This was turning into a battle of the wills. The winner was whoever gained the upper hand first. The loser... whoever gave up and gave in.

It was then that he removed his lips from mine, moving them to press a gentle kiss to the corner of my lips... my jaw, a little harder... my neck...

It was when his lips landed on the juncture between my neck and collarbone that any and all remaining logic suddenly disappeared.

My hands wandered to his back, my nails probably scratching canals into his skin, but he either didn't notice or didn't care. I waited in anticipation of where his next kiss would land, but he remained focused on the one spot, licking and sucking at it like...

All thoughts evaporated as his teeth grazed against my skin. My neck pulsed with need, my inner voice returning, begging him to bite.

What? No! If he bites me, I'll chop off his dick and feed it to the vampires.

Not that it would be much of a meal for them. Somebody like him? Arrogant, egotistical, cocky, unbelievably rude, and controlling? His temperament is probably making up for whatever shrimp-like worm he has down there.

Well, you could just find out...

I desperately needed to control my thoughts.

Thankfully - though I think a whimper of protest escaped me - he moved away from my neck, his attention focusing back on my lips. As the dance between us began yet again, as I tried to take control through light touches and caresses with both my hands and my tongue, I came to a realization at the same moment he made a little discovery.

Me; he's a man. This means, unfortunately, his chest area is lacking.

Him; he, unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on perspective - found that I was not lacking in the same field.

And while I was wearing a bra, that didn't make his next movements any less thrilling.

He smirked against my lips.

As another wave of pleasure washed through me, my muddled thoughts shouted at me to not give in. I squirmed against him, wanting to get closer, wanting to remove the suddenly annoying barricades of fabric separating us.

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