Distant sea Shanties

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Staring across the honeydew-colored water, Phil pressed his lips together. He kept his hands securely around the rope, as scarred as they were from the seaspray, they were as steady as ever. The blond looked at his crew, a small assembly of men. His two adopted sons, Wilbur and Tommy, his oldest friend, Techno, and Tommy's best friend, Tubbo.

Tommy and Tubbo were the same age, sixteen. Wilbur stood tall, only a year older than the two. Techno was twenty-one, though creeping on twenty-two. Phil's eyes crinkled as he stared at everyone, moving in a sort of methodic chaos. He returned his gaze to the horizon, the large ship approaching a system of coves.

He jumped from the rigging, two leather boots slamming against the wooden deck with ease, "Coves, to the North-East!" He shouted above the spray. Techno nodded, running up the steps to the helm. He took the wheel calmly, narrow eyes carefully trained ahead. He turned the wheel softly.

Phil watched Tommy and Tubbo's expressions change from focused and prepared, to dropping the ropes in their hands and their faces going slack. They both hummed, trotting over to the stern of the boat, tripping over each other to get there first. Wilbur followed soon after.

Everything seemed to slow as Wilbur jumped overboard, Phil was able to grab Tubbo and Tommy around the waist as they climbed over, "TECHNO! OVERBOARD!" He screamed, the waves quickening around them. Phil dragged Tubbo and Tommy to the mast, securing them to it with a thick rope and a proper knot. He looked around desperately for something to plug their ears with but was quickly distracted. Techno hadn't moved from the helm, his eyes still trained ahead.

Phil pulled off his jacket, tossing it to the deck, and jumping into the churning waves below. All chaos ceased as he was submerged, all ambient noises came to a halt. He almost forgot what he had gone overboard for, but the flailing of limbs caught his peripheral vision. He swam towards the mess of brown hair in broad strokes, securing the young boy in his arms. He pulled himself to the surface by the ladder of the ship, not daring to glance at Wilbur who was struggling to get away, Phil kept an iron grip on him. Phil hauled Wilbur onto his shoulder and scaled the ladder, shaking the loose droplets from his hair. He let Wilbur down onto the deck, placing his foot on his chest as he stepped onto the platform.

"Wilbur," He hissed. The boy's eyes were closed, yet he still struggled to get up from under Phil's heel. He coughed violently, water dribbling down his chin that hadn't been there. Phil ran a shaky hand down his face, helping Wilbur stand, keeping a strong hand on his belt so he couldn't run back into the sea. He trudged up to the helm, "Techno, turn us around, now." He didn't wait for Technoblade to reply as he went to check on Tommy and Tubbo who had calmed, yet still tried to run from the post occasionally. Phil added Wilbur to the rope that kept them secure.

He watched anxiously as Techno turned the ship, it was slow, painful, like dragging a spoon through thick honey. There had been many encounters such as this in his past, having spent his entire life on the open sea, surrounded by drunken men who sang heartily through the night, enveloped by the smell of gunpowder and rum, only stepping foot on the mainland to get more alcohol and to visit his mother. She had been sick when he left. He wondered how she was as the boat peeled away from the once-impending coastline. Phil looked at the three minors tied to the post. They were asleep, or so he hoped.

He walked up to Wilbur, smacking his cheek lightly. Wilbur woke with a start, coughing a dangerous amount of water from his lungs, he collapsed in on himself in a heap. He'll be fine, Phil thought, tapping Tommy's shoulder, "Wha-?" His blue eyes met Phil's. Phil grinned, glad he was safe. Many people on the mainland didn't believe Phil when he said that Tommy was adopted. They both had blond hair, though Tommy's was a bit more on the 'strawberry blond' side, and they both had bright blue eyes, "Dad?" Tommy whispered, squinting his eyes at Phil, the bright sun blocking his vision.

Phil only nodded, "Are you alright?" He asked, undoing the knots once the coves had disappeared in the distant, cold fog that had suddenly appeared, "What was that?"

Tommy shook his head, "There was a woman... singing..." Tommy looked Phil in the eyes, terror shattering his usual sunny complexion, "Phil, it was enchanting." He rubbed his face once his hands were free, "I-I need to go lay down..." He walked off to the cabin, slamming the door behind him.

"Tubbo, wake up," Phil instructed, tipping the boy's head up. One eye opened at a time, seeming to glare at Phil. He adjusted his gaze as he came to his sense.

"Phil... Phil what's going on?!" Tubbo stood quickly, keeling over almost instantly, the deck seemed to swim around him, the ocean churning more than it already was. He placed a hand on Phil's shoulder to steady himself, "Phil I heard her... my mother, she-" Tubbo could only shake his head, he looked as if he was going to be sick. He ran starport, losing his lunch overboard.

Phil kept an unwavering eye on him as he went back to Wilbur, "Wilbur, are you okay?" He knelt, picking Wilbur's head up. He coughed, though it was dry this time, Thank gods, he got it all out. Phil stood, getting Wilbur a towel and wrapping it around his shoulders, "Wilbur, bud, you've gotta speak up."

Wilbur mumbled nonsense for a couple of minutes, but finally screeched, "SHE'S HERE," He leaned into Phil's chest once he knelt as if sheltering himself, though the water stayed calm around the ship.

"Wilbur, nobody's here," Phil whispered, running his hands through Wilbur's hair carefully. Phi searched the deck, reaching to grab Wilbur's glasses, "Look up," He settled Wilbur's glasses onto his face and patted his head, "There, all better." He took Wilbur's elbow and helped him against the post, not wanting him to stand quite yet.

He glanced at Tubbo who was asleep against the railing of the ship and walked up to the helm, "What was that all about?" Techno asked, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"They all say that they heard a woman singing, I dunno," Phil took the flask off of his belt and took a sip, disappointed to find it was lemon water instead of rum, Tubbo must've switched it out again. I'll scold him about it later, Phil thought, though he knew that wasn't true, "Wilbur jumped overhaul at one point..."

"I saw," Techno replied casually, "I saw you two get back on board."

"Why didn't you help?!"

"You were hollerin' at me to turn the ship around!" Techno flailed his hand in rebuttal.

Phil nodded, taking another sip of the lemon water. Tubbo had read a little article from a paper on the mainland and took it to heart, something about scurvy, even though they already had plenty of fruits scattered around the ship.

Phil watched with Techno as the sun set slowly on the horizon. No real conversations were exchanged for the rest of the day. Nobody minded. It was quiet, though nobody slept easy that night.

I don't really know what this chapter was about, I couldn't bring myself to kill any characters off so enjoy that! Just trying out a new writing style!

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