A Duet Among Family (Corrupt Wilbur and Philza)

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Philza hesitated a moment before swinging open the door to the Final Control Room. Wilbur was in there like he had been every day for the past 3 weeks.
His son paced the floor, hands behind his back and sunken eyes trained on the floor.
The grey walls, engraved with the lyrics to the anthem Will had written a lifetime ago. The brown desk, covered with the papers that come with the title of leader. And the button, resting on the wall as if it didn't have the power to ruin everything they had worked for.
Phil wished they'd get rid of it. It felt to dangerous, too powerful to keep around.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you tired?" Phil asked, gently shutting the door behind him.
"What are you doing here, I don't think you were invited," Wilbur said, stopping pacing and hunching over the desk, moving papers around.
"I came to check on you," Phil replied simply. "You've been in here a lot lately. It's worrying."
"Here you go again, pretending like you love me, but just beneath the surface you're convinced that you're above me. Isn't that right, Philza." Will said, taking extra care to not call the man in front of him 'dad.' This man was as much a father to him as Jschlatt was his friend. "Just go. I don't have the patience to help you play father again." Will ran his fingers over the button that rested on the wall.
"Come on now Will, you know I've never been one for doing things half- assed. I'm here to help you, I'll be here forever! Just give me your hand I'll be your knight in shining armor." Phil declared, resting his hand over his sons. He could still remember how on snowy days in Logstedshire Will loved to play knights. He loved to be the hero, saving his kingdom.
But the young boy he once knew was long gone, and instead an unstable man stood in front of him.
"You think you're a hero?" Will scoffed, yanking his hand away from Phil's. "And I suppose they tell you, you are. So stoic and handsome, and you've come so far." he mocked tilting his head. Philza could see the insane glint in his sons eyes, could see all the damage that had been done to him. All the damage he had been helpless to stop.
"You think you're a villain." Phil retorted in a soft tone, reaching out to his son. "But I know you're not. Under all this angst and anger is a beating human heart-"
"What about that lonely little boy-"
"I'm sorry!
"What about his monsters who prevailed-"
"I'm sorry!"
"You never came to save my world."
"Will, I recognize that you're upset. I know I did you wrong-"
"Oh, you know nothing of me." Will spat, whirling around and knocking Phils hand away. Rage flashed in his spiteful amber eyes.
"But please trust me, please believe me, this won't stop the hurt for long." Phil continued, gesturing to the papers and weapons scattering the dimly lit room.
"Oh, here comes the hero complex." Will grunted, waving a hand in the air. "The hero trying to bring the villain over to the good side."
"You call yourself a villain but you know it's a disguise." Phil tried again, using a different tactic.
"You know I'm the villain, but you're the one who lies." Wilbur said, pointing an accusing finger in Philzas face. The tall blond remained calm, with a mask of steel.
"Here you go again, twisting and manipulating every word I've said!" Will shouted, slamming his hand against the desk and sending papers flying. "You never cared about me. You only ever cared about Techno."
"Will, you know that's not true. I just want to help you, let me help you!"
"YOU ARE NOT MY HERO!" Will screamed, clutching his head. "You don't know how it felt! What else could you do with the cards I've been dealt?" He rested both hands on the table, bowing his head so his raggedy brown hair hung over his eyes.
"You are not the villain. You once held my hand." Phil said, reaching out and resting his hands over his sons. He knew his son was in there, somewhere. Even after the war, even after exile, even after everything.
"Get up. Get out. Sometimes things don't go as planned." Will stood up, knocking Philzas hands away.
"Wilbur-" Phil began.
"Go." Wilburs voice was dark and venomous, like the pure hearted young man who looked at a van and saw a nation was missing underneath the corrupt man who could look at a room full of people and only see pawns.
Philzas son was gone.
I had the idea for this while listening to the song above.
~~ Author E

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