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Um I'm planning on doing a dbd oneshot. BUT don't worry I won't leave this story behind. If you wanna check it out then check out my profile thingy or whatever you call it idk. I might have one up today or tomorrow.

Tricksters POV

I step out of my own little cabin. The entity finally got us something better then a tent.

I walked over to the campfire to rest since I just got back from a trial. I look over to see Legion looking at me. I glare at him and sit by the fire. What the hell is that freak face looking at?

I couldn't help but overhear Frank talking about someone. It wouldn't hurt to listen.

I listened to him ramble on about how sweet this one person was and how he gave her a special necklace. Once I heard Y/n name, I froze up. He was talking about Y/n.

I grew more angry just listening to him. No He's just doing it to get on my nerves right?

Shit I have to check. I get up and speed walk into the woods over to where Y/n was.

Franks POV

I continue to talk about Y/n while taking glances at Ji-Woon. I think It's working, I can feel his angry from here. As I continue I see out the corner of my eye, Ji-Woon getting up and heading to the woods.

This is perfect.

I giggle while I watch him walk off into the woods.

My giggling stop when I get slapped on the back of my head, I turn around a growl a bit "Ow, What the hell was that for?" I glare at Sally.

"I asked you a question and you ignored me."

I let out a groan "Ugh, what is it?"


I carry out a small conversation with Adam, Yui was in a trial awhile.

I told him about me and Franks plan so he'll understand more when I talk about Frank.

I was so into the conversation me and Adam were having I didn't realize Trickster was near watching me until Adam gave me a small nudge.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you." I pull out the necklace.

Adam does a fake gasp. Overdoing drama queen.

"I got this From one of the Legions, Frank it was."

Adam does another gasp "Wow OMG! So beautiful gurl, he is so in love with you."

I giggle a bit and rub my arm. Again, overdoing it Adam.

I go on about how wonderful Frank is, which are all lie's.

I can hear a small crunch of leaf's, Then I felt like I wasn't being stalked anymore.

I let out a sigh when I fully new he was gone.

I glare at Adam. "What?! A Thank You would be nice."

"You over did it you big drama queen."

Adam huffs and laughs a bit. "Yeah your welcome."

"My little obsession" (the trickster X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें