Chapter 1: How it started

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A/N: Before we start, i'm going to precise some things

1 - This story is the Mihoyo verse, so Honkai Gakuen/Impact and Genshin are in it

2 - Only God Kiana as Love Interest, because I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO SHOW HER LOVE IN WATTPAD

3 - The MC is a male-neko-demon-angel-human-saiyan-furrie-free hugger-god read- no just kidding he is human, once again. Fuck OP power because of your origin, all my homie love hard training

4 - Funny story :D

Narrator POV

The 14th Herrscher

The strongest being that ever existed. Able to wipe out the entire multiverse in a nano-second, able to reset entire timelines with just a part of her power

Her mission was to destroy Humanity, and to succeed in her mission, she decided to....!

Y/N: Lunch's ready!

HotE: Lasagna!

Take one of the humans she swore to destroy as her slave, and see how bad they were

Let's just say, her plan failed, and she grew attached to the said humans, which is none other than Y/N L/N

Right now, they were in a house she made for both of them, in the middle of the void, as Y/N just finished cooking

Y/N: It's crazy how at first you wanted to trample me to death, saying i belong below your feet, and now i serve you as a butler. Hell, i even deliver message to the Herrscher for you

HotE: Well, even if i know everything in this world, i wanted to be surprised by your job, so i didn't used it. Another one

Y/N was about to serve her another plate, before he decided to giver her the whole plate of lasagna, as she nodded in agreement

HotE: A wise choice. If you didn't made that, i would have done things to you

Y/N: What things?

HotE: Yes

Y/N: Seriously...... how long have it been..... 1 year?

HotE: Actually, it have been 45956187463 years, you just don't remember your past life

Y/N: So you're saying you kidnapped me every time i turned 18, and keep me as your slave until i die around 70 years old?

HotE: Yes

Y/N: I won't complain, because i can't, but i will always remember that day we met


Y/N L/N isn't like other humans we know, he is a genius

He managed to score the highest in his math cla- Yeah no one believe that

He failed his math class because he threw a chair at his teacher

After that, he work in part-time job every now and then, until he can have a real job

And it happened!

CEO: Well, i can't wait to hire you in this post, mister L/N!

Y/N: The honour is mine!

Love through the worlds( Mihoyo verse x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now