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"Randhir bhai she she actually hugged me omg I mean I thought she wont even see my face but she hugged me... I was able to touch her." Jiggy was overwhelmed while I was amused at this guy's insane behaviour. It was obvious that she didn't mean any of it but still he was soo happy. The rest of the time both of us were loitering around and befriending people. I offered to drop jiggy home and we left the place. Suddenly some moans hit their ears. Jiggy being the inquisitive one wanted to follow the sound while I was least interested but still had to go behind him. We saw a couple fiercely making out behind the tree. The guy was kissing her neck and shoulders like insane and in no time I realised it was sanny and steve. I felt disgusted for some reason and then suddenly remembered jiggy. I looked over at him and saw tears in his eyes. I instantly pulled him away from there. The poor loverboy was crying while I didn't know how to calm him down. "Jiggy see listn to me its okay... its u who were wasting time on her. I hope you got a clear image now of how she is. You dont need to waste your time on such girls." I quickly made up a speech but he didnt seem to feel any better. To add to it the "oh so lovestriken couple" came. Steve walked in while sanny chose to stay back. Her top was slightly disheveled while her lips swollen. She seemed to be drunk.

"Hey are u like okay why are you crying."

"He doesn't need your help so please mind your own business." I retorted.

"Relax relax I was just asking." She made a face and walked inside the party while I chose to drop jiggy home according to the directions given by them as I was new to this place.

The next two days passed in a jiffy. I had made some new friends and we used to hang around with them. Jiggy was still upset over that night's fiasco. Surprisingly we hadn't seen sanny around after that day. We had a journalism test today and I was well prepared. I sat in the class and started revising my notes when the disaster oh sorry I mean sanny walked in. She again had the faraway look like always. High heels,short clothes and alchohol defined her well. I made a face and continued my work while she cleared a bench and sat down. Jiggy wasnt well so he had taken a leave. The professor came and distributed the sheets. We had been given 45 mins to complete the 30 mrk test and within 25 mins I was done. I checked the sheet again and suddenly heard her voice." Sir he terminado puedo dejar" (sir I am done can I leave) it took me a while to understand that she had finished and submitted the paper. Anyways what could this brainless pea even know.

The results were displayed on the notice board by evening and I came second. I saw the person eho came first. "Sanyukta" I read. Who was she and how come I never met her. Anyways she was very intelligent and I would love to meet her.

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