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"Puttar chaj nal jayin te apna khayal rakhin samj gaya na. Kar da bana hoya khana ta milega ni pur pizza burger na khayin." (Son have a safe journey. You surely wont get homemade food but do not resort to fastfoods like pizzas and burgers) bebe blessed me as I touched her feet. I bade her goodbye , took my bags and made my way to the car. I had tears in my eyes as she was the only person in my life who genuinely loved me and showered me with her love and care which my parents never bestowed me with. I was finally leaving india and was shifting to California for my further education in my dream university "stanford university". More than mine it was my mom's dream,who was no more now. My father had left me with bebe and shifted to california when I was 14 with his wife Renuka Sanyal. When I came to know that I have cleared the interview and tests and that I am finally going to study their, I called them and informed them. Though my father didnt sound very happy at the proposition, my foster mom seemed to be glad. I took a deep breath as the plane landed and my thoughts were broken abruptly.

I collected my luggage and made my way towards the arrival gate. I looked around and noticed how different everything was and how different people seemed from the one's back in india. I came out and saw them standing there smiling at me. I noticed how dad had grown healthier and Renuka aunty, well this was the first time I was meeting her in person. She was tall, slim and looked fairly young for her age. A shrewd look on her face suddenly changed into a blissful smile as my dad pointed towards me probably telling her its "me"

I took a deep breath and went to them. Dad gave me a slight side hug while she hugged me tightly and patted my back. "Come on harsh take the young man's bags and lets make a move." She nugged him.

"So beta how was your journey." After 15 mins or so she tried to strike a conversation in her accented english. Yaa she was half spanish by birth.

"It was good fairly tiring though." I smiled. Dad I noticed remained quiet even as she time and again dragged us into a conversation.

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