I: Tis' The Season to be Sexy

Start from the beginning

"Bye you guys, we'll be back shortly!" Mina waved, getting nod of acknowledgement from the others who relaxed and watched Christmas movies until they were sick of it.

It was a rather slow day here at the base, so what better way than to enjoy it like this?

Approaching the gate a black Cadillac Escalade exited the base, heading westbound for the nearest mall.

The first thing they shopped for was tree decoration. Despite having a surplus of decor, it never hurt to expand and change up the designs once in a while.

"Ooh this tinsel would look great on the Main tree in the lounge." Uraraka exclaimed, holding up a two toned gold and white tinsel.

Mina shook her head in agreement, "We also need to get more supplies for Yaoyorozu, after all she loves making those clay ornaments." Her eyes slowly, looking at each paint pack.

Uraraka turned to Izuku who seemed a bit lost, her bubbly laughter filling up their area before explaining, "Every Christmas, Yaoyorozu paints a clay ornament of something that ties us all together; like one big family."

"Last year she painted a mini margarita, this year I think she might paint you and add it to the tree decorating Bakugo's office."

She nudged Izuku shoulders, wiggling her brows, "You are officially someone who ties us all together."

Izuku clasped his hands together, rather excited for the idea, "That sounds lovely!"

Sharing a laugh together before being snapped back into focus by none other than Mina who had a stern look on her face, "Cmon! We're burnin' daylight people!"

Izuku and Uraraka nodded frantically before going to look at other items.

After looking at tree decoration, they began to search for gift wrapping supplies, this being rather easy because they basically grabbed everything out of the colorful Christmas barrels.

They took a quick intermission, not wanting to carry the bags, Mina suggesting that she'll put the bags in the trunk before returning for them to continue this shopping spree.

While she did that Izuku and Uraraka looked small food kiosks, since none of them had eaten breakfast yet.

Izuku's gaze was set by a bubble tea stand, but just for a mere moment he though he saw someone in the shop across from it.

"Is that..?" He whispered to himself, narrowing his eyes and peering forward, suddenly getting tapped on the shoulder by Uraraka.

"Mina's back so we can- Are you okay?" The Brunette's tone suddenly changing noticing the concerned look on Izuku's face.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, let's go get something to eat." He dismissed with a relaxed smile, not wanting to bother Uraraka or Mina who came for a good time.

Uraraka grinned, pulling him away and over to a pastry stand, getting different variations of puff pasteries- and heading towards open seats.

"So, we've got down the main decoration, I'm thinking if we start asking around in private we'll be able to form a list of gifts everyone wants." Mina suggested, munching on a fruit and cream cheese danish.

Uraraka agreed, "Should we split it into thirds? Yknow to get it done faster?"

"Sure I don't mind, I think it sounds fun to be honest." Izuku shrugged, taking a sip of a strawberry lemonade slush.

Mina clasped her hands together, "Perfect!" As she turned her head, her eyes stopped dead in their track, the pink haired woman stifling a scream.

"Uraraka, Look!" She pointed excitedly at a store, Izuku peering his head over to see her finger pointing at a lingerie store, with a 15% off holiday sale.

Maybe this was just a woman thing, kindly suggesting that they could go in and he'd just wait at the table until the came back.

Oh but he should've seen the mischievous glint in their eyes before he suggested this, both girls grabbing him by the arms and tugging him to entrance of the store.

"Um you guys, what exactly is going on?" He questioned in a bit of a panicked state, his only response was a fit of laughter from Uraraka and a sly remark from Mina.

"Tis' the season to be sexy, Midoriya."

Oh dear. This wasn't going to end well for Izuku, was it?

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