"But why? You have the right to think thw worst of him." She said as she gave a few steps towards me, and ended up siting in the bed, being by my side.

"First of all, I know him well enough to know for sure that he didn't wanted to do that, and secondly, he was just trying to protect me, and that doesn't make him a monster, not even close." I said softly, meaning every single one of my words.

Narcissa kept herself silent after listening my words, she was making a small smile while she thought about what I said repeatedly.

"You know, now I understand why Draco cares about you so much." She said softly, and diverted her eyes to me. "I know my son, he made, many, many mistakes, but you never judged him when everyone else did, and I appreciate you for that." She said almost with tears on her eyes.

"The people never care to know the others better, they only care about judging them, and honestly, I'm sick of it." I said softly.

I've never talked with Narcissa before, but I need to admit that speaking with her made me flashbacks from when I usually spent time with Draco, he looked like her in so many aspects.

We spent the rest of the morning together, she even ordered her one of her house-elfs to bring us tea, and we talked, sat in the table, while drinking a lovely tea together.

Narcissa told me lots of things Draco did as a child, and the amount of times he got himself lost in the vast maze, or the amount of times he almost fell from the roof he insisted to climb on just to watch the stars.

"Narcissa, since when did Draco got so interested by stars?" I asked, it has always been something that I have been wondering, besides of finding it amazing.

"Well, Draco only got interested when he found out he had the name of a constellation but..." She took a sip from her tea. "...the first time I took him outside to stargazing, he was seven, and we were layed down in the grass, his eyes were so shining while he watched them, I almost cried to see the way he was looking at them, it was...the purest look I've ever seen." Her eyes were also filling with water and so were mine at her words.

Her words made me remember when me and Draco stargazed together, his knowledge and interest about them was wonderful to hear, and also the connection of his mother family part that used to put stars related name to their child's.

"We gave him books..." She continued. "He got so interested that he wanted to know more and more about the stars ans constellations, so he read every single book we gave him telling him more about them, he read and re-read them, sometimes I even found him awake just because he wanted to read, he learned all by himself." She said while both of us had already silly smiles on our faces.

I took a sip from my tea, imagining the young Draco going everywhere with those books he had.

"But his father didn't enjoyed the fact he cared more about that than studying for school to be ready to when it started, so he took his books away, I tried to stop him but I couldn't do anything, he wanted to Draco have the same opinions as him, to be a Slytherin like him, to be the very best of the class." She said, looking down at her cup of tea.

I thought that perhaps this was related to what Blaise once told me, about Draco's father.

"Draco only wanted to do something he never did in the past, make his father proud, I told him lot of times I was proud of what he is, but he never listened, he was used to have Lucius screaming at him for the smallest mistakes, and then school started, Draco wanted to make his father proud and be friend with Harry, but his mind was so polluted by his father lessons, that he, didn't even know how to properly make friends...that's when he decided to give up on people." She said bleakly, while her hands were twisting her cup of tea.

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