Part 5 <Fairy of life>

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Eda slept peacefully. It was early morning, the sun's rays penetrating through the curtains and the golden light illuminated her face. She looked like a fairy sleeping among white clouds. That's what she really was - Serkan's fairy. Meanwhile, Serkan had already gotten up and made breakfast for them in the kitchen. He wanted to make, although simple, but a surprise for Eda, which, he knew she would like. She was such a person. She loved and enjoyed things that others would just make fun of and not value. But Eda wasn't like that. And for that reason, Serkan loved her the most.

A few minutes later, Eda opened her eyes. She got up and held out her hand to Serkan's side, but couldn't find him there. Eda sat down on the bed and looked around the room.

- Serkan ..? Where are you?

She didn't get any response and got a little scared, she thought maybe something had happened to him and he fainted somewhere.

- Serkan? - she repeated again, louder this time. After a few seconds, she heard a soft, deep voice from below. It was Serkan.

- I'm here, my love. I'm coming, wait.

Serkan had already prepared everything. He took a tray and began to place breakfast on it for Eda. At first, he put a small bouquet of her favorite flowers from the garden, which he picked in the morning, put a glass of orange juice, a fruit salad, and finally a small cake, which she certainly won't refuse, even early in the morning.
' Everything is fine? Didn't I forget anything? "Serkan asked himself, looking around the kitchen. 'Yes, here's the first breakfast, flowers, yes, everything is in place.Coffee here. Okay. ' He took the tray in his hands and went to their bedroom. Eda smiled broadly when he saw him, and so did Serkan.

- Serkan, what did you come up with here? You didn't have to do it.

He sat down on the bed next to Eda.

- Shhh, take it, be careful, it's all for you. Like that. - he placed a breakfast tray on Eda's knees. - Enjoy your meal. - Serkan kissed her forehead.

- Did you seriously picked these flowers and made my favorite salad? Thank you, health for your hands.

- I can do anything for you, so it's all a trifle. Well, eat, here's just the first part of breakfast. - Serkan pulled Eda's hair away from her face behind her ear.

- And you really remember that such a portion is too small for me. - Eda laughed, remembering the last time Serkan brought her breakfast to bed.

- I couldn't forget.

-Take it. - Eda opened a fork with fruit for Serkan.

-No, you eat, I'll eat at the table.

- Serkan, here's just the fruit and what a difference where you eat it. Nothing will happen to you if you will eat a piece of food in bed. -Eda laughed again and attached a fork to his lips. - Come on, don't say I need to feed you as a baby.

-No need, Eda, I don't want to.

- Serkan ..- Eda looked at him with sad puppy eyes.

- No, I won't eat.

Eda put the fork in the plate and stopped eating.

- Just don't start it, Eda. Eat, you need energy, when you will eat it we will go down and have breakfast together. Today is an important day for you, I don't want you to be without mood.

Today was the last and the most important presentation of Eda's studies at her university, after that, will be left only a diploma ceremony. This day was fateful for her.

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