Chapter 1: The Cruel Nightmares

Start from the beginning

I look at him, his arms are again outstretched, and there are tears in his eyes. Is this truly him? Even though I haven't asked my question, he nods in approval. I approach him in small baby steps, each step larger than the previous one until I am running. I am running, but no matter how fast I run, I can't reach him. The world seems to diverge between us and everything begins to fade. He outstretches his left arm to meet mine. I try to catch hold of his palm with my right arm. I see only his face and left arm are left, which are soon fading. He smiles as a tear slides down his cheek and says, "My crown! My daughter! Forgive me. I just wanted to keep you safe. He will keep you safe. I know he will! Forgive me!"

He fades away and I am left alone in the dark abyss. I scream in agony and pain. All alone in the dark. Is this my fate? With no light, with no hope. I clench my fists and cry as I let go of the last ounce of my battered will and beg, "No more! I beg you, my God! no more." I stare at the ground, which is also swallowed by the infernal darkness that surrounds me. I glance at the bright light emanating from my right fist. I open it, and I see a string interwoven with itself, glowing in my hand. The same hand he just touched before he faded. I look around to see where I am. But as always, I am clueless. This never happened earlier. I ran away from my father's ghost and then I heard them. I was waiting for the voices which like every time would entrap me in their melancholy. It broke my mind enough so that I could escape.

The horrifying voices struck even though I thought that I am well prepared for them. It is as sorrowful as if a thousand men were wailing at the same time. Soon my voice joins theirs. But one voice among them is distinct. Among all the voices, it isn't as loud as the others, but even drenched in sorrow it's the most melodious sound you could ever hear. Like always, it begins to graduate towards a crescendo of laments. I know that I must prepare for the assault. I covered my ears as the laments turned to screams. I felt the strain on my ears as I pressed my palms tighter, but all in vain. From the screeches, I heard a soft voice, saying,

"Only when all seems lost,

Should you tie a dire knot.

Each time the strings of hope shall shine,

For only thirteen times help shall arrive."

I screamed over the top of my voice, "Who are you? Are you Ariel?" The voice chuckled, "Angels can't concern themselves with affairs of mortals, child. Even guardian Archangels don't. Remember, no heavenly force will come to your aid. Heaven has had enough mockery by Adam and his inheritants. Remember thirteen knots, and use them wisely". Saying this, the voice disappeared, and the lamenting howl took over it. Even though I have gone through this countless times, it still brings me to my knees. It reminds me of how weak I am. I lose all sense and scream as I give up. Suddenly the darkness swallows me. I jerk open my eyes as I whimper for sight. 

Shh! It was just another one. Another nightmare. I stare into Eleni's hazel eyes. I am woken up from my nightmare by Eleni, my lady in waiting. She also happens to be the person closest to a friend. She says, "Princess, you need to sleep. The procession is today, you need to look amiable. It is a big big day". I reply curtly, "For heaven's sake. Has it already been a month since my father's death?". I look her in the eyes and ask, "Does it ever get better?" She wraps her arms around me. But I only stiffen, I am not used to being touched often. I let go of a heavy breath as I accept, "I still miss him". She assures me, "It sure does. Mostly when you meet someone who heals you when you didn't know you were even hurt". I stop her train of thoughts, "We are not going down that road again! Stop spinning those dreamy yarns in your mind, Eleni. We don't even know who he is? I would rather dread today first. I don't think this is the right time for a coronation. I told you I am not sure I should be a queen".

My heart breaks as she sniffles a sob and pleads, "I know milady doesn't want to rule, I know it is not possible. But milady forgets that she will be a queen, not a ruler. Moreover, you just have to do it for some time. Soon you would come of age and be married crowning a king. Hold yourself for that long, and all your worries will end. Neither do you have to rule, your reagents will do that for you. You have to do that for the people. If you don't become the queen, who will pardon my father... "

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