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3rd POV
As Shoyo and his parents were on the way home from his first game in middle school, a car swerved infront of the Hinata's. Mr. Hinata tried avoiding the car by swerving into the woods on the side of the highway. The car started flipping downhill until they came to a stop, the side of the silver car crashed into a dead tree.
"Shoyo! Are you ok?!" Mrs. Hinata said panicked. "Y-yea" the teen said, processing what just happened. The startled family did their best to exit the car.
Shoyo walked to the other side of the tree. Just then, as Mr Hinata was calling 911, the dead tree had fallen due to the cars constant pressure. The short teen had laid there, stunned and in pain.
As tears ran down his face he yelped in pain, his left leg was severed. He had sat there for 5 minutes along with his parents trying to lift the tree. The fire department came first, as soon as they got the tree of the teen, the ambulance arrived with the stretcher ready.

When they got to the hospital

Shoyo was put under immediate surgery. As the doctor approached his parents with the horrid news.
"I believe it's best to tell you this before he wakes up." She started "He has lost his leg. From the upper thigh and down" the doctor stated "this may be heart breaking for him and for you too but he may never play volleyball again." She said and slowly walked away.
Mrs. Hinata broke down in tears. "H-how are we going t-to tell him"

When Hinata woke up

As the teen woke up, he couldn't feel anything waist below. He looked around, "where am I" he mumbled. The nurse looked over, "HES AWAKE!!" All of a sudden 3 more people walked in and made him take pain pills and started asking questions.
As soon as their trivia was over Shoyos parents walked in.
"H-hey sho" Mrs Hinata said quietly. "Hey Mom, Dad what happened" shoyo said curios to why he was here. "Well son" Mr Hinata began, "we got in a wreck and you lost apart of you" however, Shoyo was confused "what do you mean?" His father dreaded to tell him the news "ok your missing your left leg" just then Mrs Hinata burst out in tears.
After the incident, Hinata had to relearn over the summer he learned how to use crutches, how to dress himself, even attempted volleyball drills.
He played with his sister a lot.
One day he mustered up enough courage to ask for a prosthetic.
"H-hey mom, dad?" He said shyly. "What is it sho?" His dad said. "Do you think we could save up for a prosthetic?" He said, nervous for their response. "Of course sho! Your dad and I have actually been saving up for it!" Shoyo had freaked out "WAIT, REALLY?!"

When they got to Miyagi prosthetics

Hinata was so excited, as they got him fitted for a prosthetic, he was ready to walk on it so he could play volleyball.

The next day

Hinata got up and attached his prosthetic after putting the sock on his nub. Shoyo put on a pair of joggers, a blue t-shirt and took off. He took his crutches just in case. "I'm going for a walk!" Hinata stated and left.  He stumbled a few times but managed to get to town, though it was a small town, it was a big place for him. "Hey Hinata!" He heard a man say, it was old man Saki. He was good friends with hinata's parents. As Hinata walked over he stumbled. Saki walked over to help him up but Hinata refused, he wanted to get up by himself and learn how to do these things quick and easy. "So how's that leg" he asked "it's better, I got my prosthetic yesterday." The old man chuckled, "I bet you got up and just walked out the door" Hinata smiled "something like that" he said "well I'm going to go to Sakanoshita store for some meat buns" old man Saki looked at the teen "ok, don't be too hard on yourself." As the teen waved he said "will do!" And limped/ walked off.
As he arrived to the store, he saw the owner and another guy arguing, "no! I refuse!" The owner said "but these boys need you! And I'm not going to leave you alone until you help this team!" The other sighed Hinata just stood there hoping to be ignored. "What's the grades?" The owner asked "all high school years" the other replied "get out my store before I ban you" the owner said annoyed. "Fine! But I will get you on the Kurasuno volleyball team!" The other said and as Hinata was about walk deeper into the store, he fell on his leg. He yelped at the pain. "Oh my gosh are you ok?!" The man asked. "Y-yea can you grab my bag for me?" Hinata asked "yes!" He said "here you go!" Hinata took the pain pills out of his bag and took 2. As he started to get up he grabbed his crutches and used them as support to walk.  "Thank you" he said smiling. "It was no problem!" The dark haired man said. "Also, I applied for Kurasuno high school and I was wondering about tryout dates for volleyball?" The short male asked. The male replied "they are a month from now and you have to be in top condition" be replied "I was wondering if you guys accept amputees." Hinata said, referring to his leg. "As long as you take care of it correctly." He replied. "Ok then see you at tryouts!" Hinata said, grinning ear to ear.  "Will do!" The male said

End of ch 1
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