-Chapter 11-[ his face ]-

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I never really saw Sunghoon this hyped up panicking , he was literally running like his life depended on it ,he's  not really the type to do so. We reached the second floor , there was a huge crowd infront of the restroom, guess people likes to watch others suffer . Sunghoon reached out among the crowd , i was following , everyone made ways for us as they saw sunghoon and me .

When i reached out infront of the restroom, some students was guarding infront of it , i guess those are sylvia's minions . But what happened next , the sight made my blood boil.

Jung won , and sunoo was trying to enter the restroom, because maybe Jaeyoon was inside, but one of the minion punched wonnie  hard, i couldn't control my anger anymore as i saw him on the ground ground groaning in pain. I punched him back  '' How dare you ?'', i said , i couldn't maintain my composure , i punched that person again . I reached to jungwon, Sunoo was already trying to hold him.  I carried him with his one hand on my shoulder , and asked him,

''Are you okay ?'' , he only groaned in pain in answer. '' Take him to nurse offfice , i wil take care he--'' i was cut off as i heared a shout .It was Sunghoon . Wait what sunghoon ?!

''LEAVE ME ALONE & LET ME IN '' , he shouted  at  Sylvia , who was clinging on him .Teh whole crowd was shocked because it's a side of sunghoon they never saw before, even i didn't . He was never this angry .


I was looking for jaeyoon , he was inside, those fucking minions of sylvia was gurading the door , not letting anyone in . just when i was trying to enter that girl she came upto me, and started clinging . I  was already in hurry , but this adds fuel to the fire, i shouted at her, which was unlike me, but i dont feel she was the one who was after my jaeyoon .

I dashed in the washroom, pushing those guys away . As i entered the washroom, i saw mask on the ground with blood on it , Blood ? how hard they hit him.

I went inside  to found him on the bathroom  ground, he was struggling to get up. I rushed toward him. I sat in-front of him, i saw his face for the first time, blood dripping beside his lips, the most beautiful lips i have ever seen , but it wasn't time for that . I grabbed his face , he looked at me with his tired eye's.

''hey are you okay ? look at me & breathe '', i told him.

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