009|They Needed Aid Not Hate

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"That's what shame does

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"That's what shame does. It makes
him think he deserves it. The wards are
full of men who think they deserve it."
~Jill Baxter, It's A Sin

Otis Henderson put away the newspaper with a deep sigh. He took off his reading glasses and took a large gulp of his black coffee. "It's a good thing we left New York. That gay flue is spreading there." Judith carefully picked up the newspaper and read the article. "Those poor people," She whispered.

"I think your father's doctor might be one of those...." Otis trailed off and gestured towards the newspaper in Judith's hands. "We should get him a new doctor," Otis added. Judith pursed her lips and nodded slowly. "Yes, I'll call the hospital today." She folded the newspaper and put it down.

Floyd peered up from his comic, to his parents and finally to the newspaper. He shifted in his seat once. Twice. Thrice. He got up and put down the comic.

Otis turned his head to watch his son head for the door. "Where are you going?" Floyd hesitated and turned around. "Uhm, my friends and I are going to play some DnD," He lied. Otis grunted in response. "Okay, be back by curfew."

"Bye, Dad."

The door shut and Floyd started running. Not in a particular direction. He just needed to get away.


The small bell chimed as someone entered the Sizzling Griddle. Scarlett dropped off a milkshake at the table with an elderly woman, before she rushed to the counter, where the new customer had taken a seat.

"Hello, welcome to...." She trailed off as she saw who it was. "Hi, Steve," Scarlett said with an eye roll. Steve grinned. "That's not how you're supposed to treat your customers." He grinned at her and Scarlett laughed and rolled her eyes before leaning on the counter. "What can I get you?" Steve shrugged. "I never come here, what would you suggest?"

Scarlett peeked at the menu card. "One brainy swirl coming up." The teen turned back and started making the beverage. Steve meanwhile played with the brown ashtray, before dropping it. He mumbled an apology before diving after it. Scarlett chuckled and set the tall milkshake glass before Steve.

The drink itself had a bright blue colour and was topped by various swirls of whipped cream with sprinkles. Steve raised his eyebrows at the drink. "What is this? Did a rainbow puke?" He laughed, slowly turning the glass around. Scarlett giggled. "It's good. I'm pretty sure you'll love it."

Steve hesitantly brought the neon red straw to his lips and started sucking. His eyes widened and he looked at Scarlett in shock. Scarlett in turn smiled and spread her arms.

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