Extra 7 : His Majesty Quiqui X

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The huge and magnificent buildings are towering into the sky.

A security system shrouded in the air like a crystal bubble, with a glimmer of beautiful light from time to time.

Alien staff members in uniforms, each looks well-trained, as if making a large science-fiction movie.

There is also a young man with a handsome face and a very gentleman dress, stepping over to pick them up.

"Your Majesty," the newcomer is the newly-executed Lu Executive. Obviously, he has seen His Majesty the King's moody, tyrannical and cruel, so he is full of restraint and prudence, showing a fear that Wen Qiuxing cannot understand.

This is of course, because Wen Qiuxing did not even know that this is a class-stricken society, let alone that there are wonderful marriage laws and a third gender.

Wen Qiuxing saw the fair-haired king who was kind to himself, but just glanced at his subordinates who were very respectful to him, and then looked away coldly. It can be said that there was no one in his eyes, and he stood above him.

This is the difference between subordinates and friends.

Wen Qiuxing has consciously classified himself as a friend.

In this serious atmosphere, he didn't smile hippie, he just kept pace. Follow the court.

"Don't be afraid." Feng Ting held the hand behind him with his backhand: "They are just the subordinates in the palace and will not hurt you."

"I..." Wen Qiuxing wanted to say that he wasn't afraid, but those people looked at him like hell, and he was really scared: "Well, okay."

Here is still listening to the big brother, he thought, took the initiative to clenched the slender... but with some thin cocoons, is it thin cocoons?

Wen Qiuxing touched it indefinitely, well, it’s a cocoon!

The king looked back, his eyes were unbelievable, this guy actually grabbed his palms under the large crowd.

"Huh?" Wen Qiu woke to see the Feng Ting looked over and smiled.

"It's all right," the king said in a low voice.

The following time, Wen Qiuxing was personally entertained by the king and experienced the luxury of living in the palace.

The splendor and splendor of the royal palace, the advancement of technology and the life span of aliens are as long as 200 years. These all give Wen Qiuxing a great shock, making him feel that he is right again.

He seemed to have a choice.

But of course, those were accidents before, just blame the language.

Now that the two sides have the conditions for communication, as a member of the earth, Wen Qiuxing believes that he should do something practical.

What to do before doing practical work?

Blowing rainbow farts.

At sunset, Wen Qiuxing and the king stood on the high sky garden, overlooking the sunset and the prosperous King City in the distance.

"Dear first king, the prosperity and advancement of your planet, it is really shocking." Wen Qiu said heartily, and unconsciously appeared the main voice of Taobao shop: "As me from a backward planet, at this moment Standing here worried about my home planet."

This is also true, then, since there are other civilizations in the universe, and technology is more advanced than theirs, it means that the earth is in danger all the time.

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