"I dont know, but i do know it'll be cool." He says

"How about we try?" I say


Naruto calls a shadow clone to build up his rasengan while i get my chidori ready. We put our hands close by each other so the chidori and resengan can mix.
"Lets aim for that tree." Naruto says


But then Naruto's resengan start taking over my chidori and we both flew back different ways. Aki had caught me but Naruto hit a tree.

"Why couldn't you catch me!?" Naruto says to his summoning animal.

"Maybe because i didnt want to." The summoning animal says.

Naruto lets out a growl and we both get up. "So it seems we both need to apply the exact amount of chakra." I say

"Well how do we know how much chakra to put into it." Naruto says

"I dont know i guess until it feels right." I say scratching my head.

"Lets try this again." Naruto says

We tried again and failed causing both of us to fly back only this time my chidori took over.

Time skip.
Its been a couple of weeks since then but me and Naruto has kept up our training with our summonings and our chidori+resengan attack.

Today me and sakura walked around the village and talked today, it was around 3pm and i was having a really good time chatting with her. "Oh Y/N have you heard Kakashi sensei is in the hospital?"

"What?!" I say "hospital, how the hell did he get there." I say

"He was on some mission." Sakura says.

I ran off in the direction of the hospital. "Y/N where are you going?" Sakura calls out.

"To go see Kakashi." I say stopping and turning around.

"Well im coming too." She says running up behind me.

Time skip.
We made it to Kakashi's room and he was asleep, Neji, Gai, lee, and tenten, as well as naruto was in the room.

"He's awake." Naruto says

"What happened." I say

"Good job Kakashi well done." Tsunade says

Lady Tsunade." Says Kakashi

The covers covering up his face where his mask were seemed to look like they were coming down. And i know this isnt the time nor place but i havent seen Kakashi's whole face yet and i was really eager to see. I look over to naruto to find i wasnt the only one.

Naruto wanted to see his face too. Me and Naruto slyly try to peek and see. Meanwhile we were doing that Tsunade talked about how Kakashi will be out of duty for a while.

Tsunade finishes up the conversation with "lets go Shizune."

"M'lady wait, sorry Y/N i'll catch up with you later." Sakura says running off.

"Thats fine." I say.

Time skip.
As i walked through the village Naruto then appeared by my side. "Wassup Y/N"

"Hey Naruto." I say

"What ya up to."

"Well i was chillin with Sakura but she left so i was just gonna go sit and read at the park."

As me and Naruto stand there talking we hear a voice but when we turned around no one was there.

Hinata POV.
N-Naruto, my face begins to turn pink as i hid from Naruto, Y/N is there with him. Out of all this time of Naruto being back i never really talked to him except for when he first came and only a tiny bit at Y/N's party. He's standing right there what should i do. Im not ready for this i wouldn't even know what to say.

"See Y/N it is Hinata." Naruto says peeking his head from behind where i hid. Y/N follows along right behind him.  "Oh hey Hinata." Y/N waves.

"Whats up Hinata, whats the deal why are you hiding behind here?" Naruto says

My face tuns pinker by the minute as he talks and my breath hitches. I get overwhelmed with thoughts and sorta kinda passed out. But before i did all i could hear was Y/N and Naruto calling out my name.

I dont know if its just me but im starting to think Hinata likes Naruto too. I realized whenever she's around him her breath hitches alot and a pink blush stays on her cheeks even at the mention of him. I bare no ill will to her feelings of him, but i dont know at the same time, i guess you can say i feel... replaceable at times knowing theres other girls that like Naruto. But i guess thats just my own horrible insecurities.

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