Get You In Trouble

820 14 7

Author: justhismorning

You can find the original work here:


In which Namjoon is recording Trouble and he needs Jin to moan and… well, they get creative.


“Well, it’s… certainly something.”

Seokjin is flushing. He could feel it start to creep up on him the second Namjoon’s voice came on the track, and for some reason he thought that holding his breath might help him keep it at bay, but now he’s red in the face from both the lyrics and the oxygen deficiency.

“It’s… something? Like something good, or something bad?” Namjoon’s prying eyes are looking into Seokjin’s face for some non-verbal feedback, but Seokjin doesn’t know what else to do but to give a weak smile without meeting the other’s eyes. He knows if he meets Joon’s eyes right now, his gaze would just flicker away pathetically, shyly, so he remains staring at the monitor, nodding passionately, seemingly agreeing very strongly with the silence between them.

Namjoon’s studio is cool, Antarctica-levels of freezing, really, but Seokjin starts to regret that he’s chosen today to wear this thickest hoodie set. “I like the cadences of your lines. The rhyme patterns are new, you haven’t done something like it in a while. And I mean, the fans are gonna go crazy. It’ll be the talk of the town for weeks.”

Namjoon grimaces at that. “God, it’s gonna be like Expensive Girl all over again.”

“You liked the attention, don’t you lie,” Seokjin teases, finally gathering the gall to look into his leader’s eyes, poking his arm playfully. “At least you didn’t say ‘pussy’ in this. You did say ‘bitch’ a couple of times though, and you know how I feel about that.”

His pokes are returned in kind, as Namjoon teases him about his prudeness. “Well, I just wanted you on the chorus. The bit where Bei Maejor goes…” and Namjoon starts to sing the chorus all pitchy, with absolutely zero voice control (nada, zip, nought) and Jin gives a smirk, pressing his index finger over his mouth.

“Shh, I know how it goes, Namjoon-ah.”

“Right. Yeah, that bit.”

Seokjin can’t hide his expression of pride at the implicit flattery there. “So you want me to sing the chorus? You don’t wanna just use the sample where Bei sings it?” Or get Jeongguk, or Tae, or Jimin…

“Obviously not.”

Seokjin can’t see what’s particularly obvious about it. He swaps over to Namjoon’s browser tab and pulls up the original version of the song, murmuring something about how he just wants to hear it again, and upon completion, he concludes that the only thing obvious about this is that the vibe of Namjoon’s verse suits Bei’s chorus voice more than it would suit Jin’s.

“I’m truly flattered that you’d ask, I just think the way Bei sings it suits your verses better, is all.” Seokjin turns to Namjoon. “He sings it like she’s really in trouble. I’d sing it all sweet. No girl or guy is going to feel that… you know, that thrill. Like, oh no, I’m in for it tonight. Seokjin’s really gonna let me have it.” The thought itself is hilarious to him, but Namjoon doesn’t laugh along.

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