Help Me Piece It All Together, Darling

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Author: toathenswithlove

You can find the original work here:


Distantly Namjoon realized Jin had set this all up. Dorm quiet, kids settled, Jin in Namjoon’s clothes, in the sweatshirt that Namjoon bought for him, still pink from the shower, looking soft and pliant, smiling so sweetly at him.

“Oh hey, Joonie.” Jin blinked slowly, his eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. “How was your day?”

Or, Namjoon is stressed the night before they leave for New York and Jin helps him take care of himself.

Situation disclaimer: switch couple

Kink disclaimer: overstimulation


Namjoon was exhausted. He looked at the clock on his computer again and groaned. He was on hour twenty of the day and his vision was starting to blur. Hour twenty seemed like nothing compared to the past week of sleepless nights he’d spent in the final push before the album came out, before the appearances in America, before the start of the new tour. They were leaving for New York tomorrow, or 14 hours from now, but there was still so much to do. 

Namjoon had spent the entire day in meetings. The executives wanted to speak with him. His managers had plans and schedules to run through with him. He had even found himself in Bang PD-nim’s office for over an hour. 

He had the album to talk through, the American press and interview cycle to work through, the tour to discuss. One of those would’ve been exhausting on the best day. But all three? Namjoon was trying his damnedest not to curl up in a ball on the floor and scream at the top of his lungs. 

Namjoon’s phone buzzed in his pocket, breaking his overwhelming train of thought. 

Jinnie hyung:
how are you doing on time?

Namjoon took a shaky breath. That was their thing: how are you doing on time? Well, it was Seokjin’s thing. Jin had spent years trying to find a balance between respecting Namjoon’s process and the demands on him as the leader with Jin’s own need as the eldest to make sure all of them were healthy and taken care of. He begged Namjoon to figure out his own balance so they weren’t continuing to have the same fight.  It took a while -- for them individually, then together, and then again once they’d started Things -- to figure a system out. 

The fact that they were the eldest and leader was one of the things that drew them together to start with, but it also came with a set of extra layers they had to work through. Hence, how are you doing on time? It took Namjoon out of his work headspace enough to step back and really look at what he needed to get done in a realistic time frame. And the framing of it didn’t make Jin feel like he was nagging, or forcibly dragging Namjoon away. 

2 hours

Namjoon set an alarm on his phone and got back to work, more focused as he made his way through the emails, schedules, and album notes. 

However, before his alarm had the chance to go off, there was a different buzzing of his phone. One of the managers. They needed him back at the office. One of the arrangements fell through. 

It was over three hours later when Namjoon finally made it back to the dorm. It had been thing after thing and Namjoon felt like his head might explode. There were so many moving parts to all of this. He’d barely gotten a minute to go back over the album, but it was finished and sent and his notes were gone and he couldn’t change anything, no matter how much his mind reminded him of that bridge he had wanted to adjust and the lyrics he suddenly realized might fit better. 

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