Chapter 15

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The darkness was silent except for the echoes of their hair and heavy breathing, bouncing off the far walls and coming back to them as the panting of some great monster. Gandalf's light flickered in the darkness, casting uncertain shadows of the ten members of the Fellowship. He muttered a few words, making the light clearer and sharper. "We have but one choice," he said with a resigned sigh. He turned to face the heading maw off the tunnel that opened before them. "We must face the long dark of Moria."

Beruthiel slowly released the arrow from her bowstring and shouldered the bow: it won't do them much good in these close quarters. However, she palmed her throwing knife from its scabbard and loosened the saxe in its own. Across the cavern, Legolas nodded at her and did likewise, shouldering his bow and drawing a knife of his own.

"Be on your guard," Gandalf warned. "There are older and fouler things than orcs, in the deep places of the world."

Beruthiel shuddered. Orcs scared her plenty enough. She did not want to find out what these older and fouler things water. Surely they couldn't be worse than that... that thing in the water?

"Quietly now," the wizard advised. "It's a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence good unnoticed." Beruthiel certainly hiked so, but she has a having feeling at the back of her head that they would not pass through without incident - or a death.

Led by Gandalf and followed by a vigilant Aragorn, the Fellowship proceeded into the darkness. Beruthiel, Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir walked together, forming a protective Ring around the hobbits, except when they had to climb stairs in single-file. "You dwarves don't take your stairs lightly, do you?" Beruthiel muttered as they struggled up yet another flight of steep stone stairs.

Gimli laughed. "These stairs were only for the Elves who wished to climb, Mistress Wildcat! There were machines to quickly and easily transport people and goods up and down." A shadow crossed his face, a shadow that was not the result of the flickering torchlight. "But since Moria was taken by the orcs, they destroyed every bit of dwarven architecture, art, and machinery that they could get their hands on." He gestured around them. "All the bare stone you see was covered in carvings, and all those empty plinths and niches were filled with statues of our fathers." His eyes grew sad, and he spoke no more, and instead fixed his eyes on the stairs ahead of them.

"It seems as if we elves are not the only great race of Middle-earth that has deteriorated," Legolas noted in a moment of rare sympathy for the dwarf. "Maybe we have more in common than we think, and that is why we are feuding."

Gimli merely nodded and resumed his climb.

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On their second day of walking, the Fellowship encountered a huge cavern, there likes of which they had not seen since they had left the entrance hall. Beruthiel suppressed that it was because Gandalf had been steering them through the smaller tunnels to avoid any ill encounters, which she was very thankful of.

She glanced at the wall she was walking close to avoid falling into the deep mine shaft on her other side and stared in surprise. Thick veins of metal that looked like silver to her ran through the rock like rivers through the land. She glanced ahead at Gandalf, who nodded.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels," he explained, tilting his staff to send all light down the shaft. "But mithril." The light illuminated more such veins of the silver metal flowing down the shafts. Beruthiel saw that there was wooden scaffolding built into the mining shaft, complete with the remains of old tools.

Sword and ArrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora