first chapter.

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George's POV

"Why am I even here?"
Ok let me explain sapnap(nick) had begged me to come to a stupid sleepover and he invited dream, karl, Alex (quackity), and i have no idea why but he invited the married couple AKA Zak(skeepy) and Darryl (badboyhalo)

so now I am stuck at this stupid sleepover just because he told me that   he would buy me McDonald's. I mean he did buy me McDonald's but still i HAVE TO GO TO A SLEEPOVER.

"You're here because i got u chicken nuggies" sapnap said annoyed.

Quackity interrupted half jokeingly "You didn't get me chicken nuggets? HOW DARE YOU???"
Karl laughed.

They started arguing about chicken nuggets. While skeepy and bbh just wanted to paint nails because Karl promised to bring nail polish for the two.

And dream was trying not to wheeze at the argument that the three where having.

Ten minutes later sapnap ended up agreeing to buy some chicken nuggets the next time they end up having a sleepover.

"WE ARE POPPING OFF" Karl and quackity were screaming.

"So erm karl? Can we get the nail poli-" bbh started to talk but was interrupted by sapnap yelling "LETS PLAY 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN!!" Me and dream just looked at each other and sighed out of a combination of boredom and annoyance.

Skeepy spoke "yeah with what? we don't have a bottle,stupid."
A couple of people look at Karl. He was drinking a monster energy drink.
He laughed from the attention and drank the hole thing in about 69 seconds.

"Are we seriously going to play?" dream  giggled. "I mean what else are we going to do? Paint nails?" I looked at Darryl and skeepy slightly smileing.

"AYO SHUT UP it was bad's idea and it was a good idea. Asshole" skeppy yelled
In middle of his sentence bad said "languge" quietly.

"So we playing or not?" Dream went back to the original topic. "Well duh we have a bottle or i guess a can" i said.

"Are you sure we should play?" Darryl said he sounded a bit scared of playing maybe he likes skeepy of sum shit i dunno.

Skeppy wanting to calm bbh down a little bit and just explained. "I mean yeah. But you don't have to do anything just stay 7 minutes in a closet with someone."

"I am not SITTING IN A CLOSET, AND DOING NOTHING" quackity yelled in his ussall quackity HQ voice.
Everyone laughed a bit at that moment  including me.

"Well okay here" dream slightly pushed everyone to be in a circle before sitting down next to me again. He took the can that Karl drank and placed it on the wood floor.

Sapnap said out of no where "we are missing something. BLACKETS AND PILLOWS." he left the room and ran out of the door. After a couple seconds he yelled "GOGYYYY COME AND HELP ME" 

I stood up and navigated my way to him. he wanted me to help him carry some pillows. "God that's a lot. why do you have so many of them???"

"Dunno why the fuck not"

we heard a "languge!" from the room we where walking to after sap said that

We carried the pillows and blankets back to sapnaps bedroom. And just threw them on the floor. While we where gone the others had strated a conversation about milk before cereal and cereal before milk. I'm not gonna judge but wierd topic obviously milk first.

"here so ur butt don't hurt" sapnap said "HAHAHAHAH HE SAID BUTT SAPNAPS GOING FERAL" quackity trying to hype the mood of the room yelled.

Dream threw a pillow on quackity's face who ended up giveing a blank stare, and started to wheeze. And quackity was trying to aim for dream when throwing the pillow back ended up throwing it at my face after i had sat down next to him.

"OH YOU DONE FUC-" dream hugged me from the back.. and stopped me from staring a pillow fight. God i love this guy. i can feel my face it getting red maybe from anger on quackity or from being a huge fucking simp

"HAHA DREAM GET YOUR MAN" quackity continued
"GUYS SHUT UP are we going to play or not?." sapnap was interrupted our argument absolutely wanting to play.

After that everyone got quiet and and just agreed to play. Darryl was a bit scared of agreeing but everyone promised him that they won't do anything to him.. EXCEPT quackity jokeingly

Quackity said if bbh gets him he can spin again.

Dream turned on some music just for background noise so that it wasn't too quiet in the room. (Of course roadtrip and mask, with 1 hour sppedrun music all in a playlist)

Skeppy also pointed out that sapnaps room has LED lights, he quickly found the remote to turn on some red, purple and pink colors for as he said "the mood ;)".

And so with that the game was about to start.

(844 words)

seven minutes in heaven (karlnapity,dnf,skephalo)Where stories live. Discover now