Chapter fifteen ~

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If you've loved and been loved in return then surely you've seen a glimpse of heaven.

It's been a while hi!
*Hides behind a curtain*

Suwi's pov

Days moved in a blur after that night out with Chris. Finally exams were done, which meant am free for a couple of weeks. Yes!

I haven't touched my phone, part of me scared that I care about him and the  other scared to fully process what happened. But since exams are done I have no valid excuse.

I keep playing my music loud, so as to drown my thoughts, which seem to be getting louder.

Frustrated I pause the music and get up from the bed heading to the kitchen, maybe eating will help get rid of this nagging feeling to text him.

Which you should do
My subconscious taunts

Stepping into the kitchen I open the fridge trying to see what I can cook because it's almost dinner time and Chichi will be back soon.

Taking out some green beans, potatoes and steak placing them on the counter, closing the fridge after grabbing all the necessary ingredients I wash my hands on the sink and start peeling the potatoes.

After a while I get lost with cooking my mind concentrating on the task.
Placing a pot on the stove I fill it up with water while the steak is in the fridge soaking up all the spices.

I wipe my hands on towel. As am cutting the green beans I hear the front door open revealing an exhausted looking Chichi and I can't help but chuckle at how she is looking a clear indication that her last exam paper did a number on her.

She looks up at me with a scowl on her face making me laugh out.

"What's with you chikashana? I ask her smiling.
She scoffs rolling her eyes
"these people are trying to make me fail who sets questions like that? My fingers are literally about to fall off"  she says walking towards the kitchen table pulling out a chair and slumping down on it.

I just look at her knowing she is exaggerating, the girl doesn't study much but she is on top of her class.

"But we both know you answered all the questions Chichi" I tell her as I put some pasta inthe boiling water.
"That's not the point Suwi" she says while taking off her sneakers.

I just laugh at her "anyways come help me cook here" I tease her. She looks up frowning and then reaches for one of her sneakers and I raise my hands

"No no no! This a very dangerous area to be violent in" I laugh while holding up my hands
She looks at me with a small smile "then don't instigate the violence" she says and grabs her things heading to the bedroom.

I smile as she enters the bedroom, she turns " by the way Miyanda was asking me about you, he says you've been avoiding him or something" she says and closes the door.

What me avoiding him, okay maybe just a little but his been avoiding me since that day as well. Guess we both feel awkward about what happened and I can't blame him.

I don't know how to approach the situation maybe he will let slide or better yet we can slide it under the carpet.

After being done with the pasta potatoes and greens, I put the steak inthe oven. And head to the bedroom.

The first thing I notice is Chichi on her bed spread out like a star fish.
"You could atleast change your clothes dude" I tell her as I close the door behind me.

"Am too tired" she says with no sign of getting up.
I just stare at her and laugh " I guess that paper really grilled you" I say as I sit on her bed

"Very much, before I forget your phone was ringing but I didn't have energy to call out loud" she says opening one eye to look at me.

"Are you serious, since when are this lazy"  I say getting up to check who was calling hoping it's not Miyanda

"Since ever" she say rolling around to face me.
" Just go change the food is almost ready"I tell her
She just huffs like a kid getting up regardless.

I press the on button on the left and my phone lights up showing a missed call from Chris and my heart goes in overdrive

I swipe to unlock it and I stare at his contact summoning some courage to call back.
After what feels like forever but which is probably half a minute i press call and it rings almost immediately.

And I start panicking a little. Before I can hang up, his voice fills my ears
"Hello Suwi"? He phrases it like a question and am here tongue tied not knowing what to say.

"Hey sweetheart, are you there" he says
"Hello" I say and it  comes out a little loud I clear my throat hoping he doesn't notice.
He lets out a chuckle and I can't help but smile.

" I was inthe kitchen no wander I missed your call" I tell him feeling a little less nervous  not knowing why am explaining myself

"Well that's good here I was thinking you might be avoiding me" he says and I can picture him smiling.

" Uhmmm  no not at all, why would I be avoiding you" I say quietly knowing it's true

He just laughs like he knows it's a lie and I can't help but blush.

Chichi stops pulling out some clothes looking at me " who is it?" She asks me
"Chris" I mouth to her without actually talking and she perks up looking at me with interest.

"Why did you call me Chris" I ask him changing the subject
" I wanted to hear your voice" he says serious.

And how do I respond to that.


I know guys!
I missed you more😁

Am going to be good
By giving an update once every Sunday
How is that😚

Don't forget to hit the star 💙

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