Chapter 30

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Jerome's POV

I took a deep breath. "Three... two... one..."

"And we're live! Hey everyone! Mitch and Jerome here, and welcome to our livestream!"

"Now, Mitch, you forgot to explain what this livestream is for..."

"Okay! So this livestream is for St. Jude's hospital! We've got milestones for every thousand that you all donate as well, so please donate as generously as your parents -or your own- wallets allow!" I grinned. "For the first thousand, we'll give away a Posh Life beanie, for the second one, we'll prank call someone, three thousand, I have to chug a blended burger, four thousand, we have a fish fight, five thousand, Jerome goes has to swim two laps of the freezing pool!" Mitch yelled, and I could almost hear the cheers from the fans as I continued. "So those are the easy ones outta the way! We only have two after that! One at seven point five, where we have to find chocolate something buried under a suicidal amount of cinnamon, and for ten thousand dollars, our main goal... we will be doing something very special..." I laughed creepily, and Mitch sighed. "Jerooooome! Doooood! Staph giving it all away! We want the viewers not to know our secret, dood!"

"Okay, okay, calm your tits Mitch." Mitch glared at me and I patted him on the head. "Let's get started." As we began playing games, the money rolled in, and we ended up taking a little break at 6 thousand, which we hit in two hours, just to film everything we couldn't do on camera, like my 'fun' swim. I ended up taking a shower, and came back to find Mitch chugging his burger onscreen with a disgusted look on his face. "Oh God, that was horrible. Please, never again." He gasped as I approached, and I flicked my fingers through my hair. "We can trade. I'll drink that, you go get hypothermia." Mitch turned back to the camera. "Does that sound like a sweet deal everyone?!" He hollered, and I facepalmed. "Okay, I'll work on editing these, you go ahead and keep playing! We kept them waiting long enough!" I downloaded the videos onto my computer, and started editing, before Mitch nudged ne. "Hey. Jerome. I died. Wanna go prank call now?" I nodded. "Okay everyone, comment who you want to see called!" As the comments flooded in, we all decided to prank Ryan. who'd said that he was on holiday. "Okay." I grabbed the landline and dialled his number, knowing it was private and wouldn't show up. "Hello?"

"Uh. Hello there? Is this a Mr. McNulty?" I asked, voice gruff and drawn out, and put it on speaker. "Uh. Yeah. Who is this?"

"Uh. This is uh, James Horton from the Insitution of Water and Sealife."

"Institution of Water and Sealife? I've never heard of it." Mitch kept giggling next to me, and I knocked his arm to shut him up. "Yes, well, we've gotten reports of dead fishes in your sector of the water you live around. Please, tell me Mr. McNulty, when was the last time that you had an anti-PMO check?"

"An anti-PMO-... wait a minute... what is an anti-PMO check?" Ryan's voice asked suspiciously, and both me and Mitch had to restrain our laughter. "Oh. It's a uh... anti poison uhm... monitoring... oval?"

"Anti poison monitoring oval?" He asked again, and Mitch had to leave the room, before I heard his laughter. "Yes, don't you know what it is?"

"Uh, I can't say I have... Jerome."

"Excuse me sir, but my name is James. Now, an anti-"

"Cut the crap Jerome, I can see the stream. Where is Mitch?" Ryan asked, and I laughed wildly as I hung up the phone, and the tears fell. I brushed them away, eyes still crinkled uncontrollably, and Mitch stumbled into the room. "That- was- awful!" He gasped. He grabbed the phone, and then laughed a little more. "My- turn- after- I- catch- my- breath." I nodded and after reading the Twitch comments, before I checked our account set for the livestream. "Mitch! We hit ten thousand dollars!" I cheered, and he did too. Mitch looked at me, eyes bright and excited, then whispered in my ear quickly. I nodded, and turned to him. "You ready?" I asked. He nodded, and I leaned in, lips catching his lightly.

We only kissed for milliseconds, but the speed my heart was racing, it felt like forever. "Merome is real!" He yelled after we broke off, and admist the happiness, the spam and the grins, I felt myself go back...


I lay back in his car, tissue at my throat. Admittedly, the blood had been flowing more than I cared to admit, but Mitch's GPS said that the nearest hospital was an acceptable distance away. He'd insisted on driving.

As I closed my eyes, Mitch decided to talk. "It's rather unlucky how you got targeted. I hope they find the guy, brandishing a knife like that to you."

"You have the knife for the cops, but oh well." I sighed. Mitch looked at me carefully. "Why did you want to walk anyway? We all know that the dark isn't all that safe."

"Yeah, but Chipotle..." Mitch shook his head, a breathy laugh escaping his lips. "Did he do anything else to you?"

"No. I'd just been in his attack for less than a minute." Pause. "I'm so glad you turned up."

"Hey, I probably made the situation worse." Mitch said. I scoffed. "Hardly." He drove along quietly, pulling into the hospital carpark with ease. "Do you want me to go inside or?..."

"Yes." I said firmly, and looked at him, pleading in my eyes. "Please don't leave me Mitch."

"Are- are you sure? Oh yeah, and there's a hole in the wall at home."

"I'm s- what?!"

"I punched a wall when I saw your note." He smiled, but I returned to the previous topic, determined to make it to the end. "I know we'll have issues with Lia, that's a given-"

"Actually, she moved to New York."

"Stop interrupting me! Anyway... I just want you to stay. I've never been more sure of anything Mitch. Stay in my life. Forever. Just... stay with me."

Reuploaded... derp.

So the epilogue is kinda random... but I like to think you'll all like it. :)


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