How The Teacher's Died

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Josephine sat in her tree and stared at the sky with a dramatic look on her face.
"A murderer" she whispered and laughed evil.

Josephine decided to sleep in her tree that night because her house was flooded and she didn't want to jump back throw the hole in Theo's roof. Before Josephine fell asleep she made a plan to go to school the next day. With a gun.

She didn't like anyone at her school, they all thought she was insane. But she definitely wasn't. So she decided she would shot everyone except Mr Ploop. Because Mr Ploop was cool.

Soon Josephine was asleep. And then she woke up. She was sad because waking up is sad. And she had to go to school. Which is sadder. Josephine told herself five more minutes and she rolled over to go back to sleep.

But she forgot she was in a tree, and can't roll over. And she fell. And now she's lying on the cold hard ground.
"Oh..." Josephine said because that's what you say when you fall out of trees and onto the cold hard ground.

She went back into Theo's house and grabbed his car keys. He owned a nice, new, majestic rainbow car. But Josephine couldn't drive so soon it would be gross, old, unmajestic and brown. But it didn't matter because Theo was dead.

Josephine drove to school, murdering 3 old ladies, 19 cats and 604 worms on the way. She also ran into a police car and had to explain that she received her licence from Augustus Waters. The police believed Josephine so she continued driving to school. She finally arrived. But she was early because she was woken up at sunrise and went straight to school.

So Josephine had 2 hours before anyone would arrive so she decided to set up some explosives that Theo just so happened to have hidden in the back of his car, incase of an emergency.

Josephine went to the cafeteria and put explosives everywhere because there would be lots of people in there. Then she went to the gym but remembered no one would go in there because gym is boring and torturous.

Next she taped explosives to all the doorknobs and painted them "door colour" so no one would notice. And the last place she went was the boys toilet. She had to tape a water bottle to her nose because boy's toilets stink, a lot. She started to cry because she looked like a duck. But that didn't stop her.

She shoved explosives down the sinks and toilets. But she had one left, so she decided to explode the principals car, as soon as he arrived. Josephine sat and waited at the teachers car park. The first teacher to arrive was Mr Ploop. Josephine ran over to him and told him her whole plan to explode the school and kill everyone that escapes.

He just laughed and gave Josephine a high five. He was so supportive. A tear fell from Josephine's eye. She was so happy she had such an amazing teacher.

Next the principal arrived, he parked his car and Josephine ran. She placed the last explosive under his car and quickly pressed the button before the principal could escape.

"BOOOOOM" said the explosive as it died.

The principal went playing and landed on a dead tree. Bits of car flew everywhere and there was a hole in the ground. Josephine was very sad and almost cried because her close friend, Mr Explosive had just died. But then she laughed because her principal was dead. OR WAS HE.

Josephine went over to Mr Principal. His body had been split in half. There was blood everywhere. His bones were all over the place. Josephine was pretty sure he was dead. She laughed evilly. But her evil laugh was too loud and Mr Ploop came out to see what was wrong.

He laughed and even louder and eviler laugh when he saw Mr Principal lying in pieces with blood and bones everywhere. Mr Ploop hugged Josephine and started crying because she had blood on her nose.

Then Mr WhoopWhoop, a very mean teacher drove up. He fell to his knees and started crying when he saw a single drop of blood on the road. Then he saw a bone and started bawling his eyes out. Then he saw Mr Principal and his eyes fell out of his head.

There was even more blood from his eyes then there was from Mr Principal and the explosion. The Ploop kicked Mr WhoopWhoop and he fell onto his back. Mr Ploop looked over at Josephine, dramatically.
"He's dead" he whispered.


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