25. ".. ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴛᴀʏ?"

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The first thing Oikawa did after snapping out of his momentary shock was send the driver away.

With words harsher than needed, he belittled the man whose only job was to chauffeur around him and his lost family, screaming at the man to go, to leave and to not even think about coming back.

He imagined that after Mr. Mori's arrest, the driver would no longer be required.

Then after making sure the man was gone, he swallowed down the ridiculously strong urge to break down because it was all too much. He can't deal with it; he doesn't know how to deal with it; he doesn't want to deal with it.

In the span of a few hours, he had lost his adoptive parents and found out a horrible truth from his soulmate.

It was too much.

He sighed shakily and began to trudge his way inside Mori Mansion. Reaching for the door knob, he twisted it and found it unlocked.

With a pause, he thought for a second that someone else was home and quickly pushed the door open. He stepped inside, looking around for someone, anyone, but found no one.

How could he forget? The witch was declared dead only hours ago.

He slammed the door shut behind him, suddenly angry at himself for believing even for a second that he wasn't alone.

Throwing himself on the living room couch, he buried his face into the cushions. It was only seconds later when his tears soaked into the pillows and his sobs began to fill the empty house.

His whole body shook as he cried, unable to contain his waterfall of emotions anymore. He still couldn't accept the fact, the simple truth.

He really was alone now.

The rest of that day was spent sobbing then moping then sobbing again when he thought too much and then back to moping again when he somewhat calmed down.

It was a repetitious cycle that carried over until the next morning.

Oikawa awoke on the floor surrounded by dozens of crumpled napkins.

He groaned and slowly sat up, slightly cringing as he felt the stiffness in his neck. He rubbed his eyes and found that they were hot to the touch; without a doubt swollen from his continuous crying last night. Sniffling, he started to gather his mess up when there was a sudden knock on the door.

His hands paused, halfway to grabbing a dirty napkin, and he glanced up at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone and couldn't even imagine who would be knocking at a time like this.

The first person that came to mind was.. well..


But he quickly dismissed that thought, recalling the lie from yesterday. He glanced down at his right wrist, currently void of any words. Yet he could still picture that sentence from the day before, letters black and bold against his pale skin.

"I like Oikawa."

Maybe the waterworks would start again if he hadn't cried himself dry last night.

Before he had time to slip back into his dark thoughts, the knocking continued, only harder this time and a voice called out:

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