Not Another Agrument

Start from the beginning

"Should we start the meeting now." Erwin glanced around, satisfied that everyone was here and not missing. "[Y/N] would you like to start us off."

She ripped her eyes off me. Standing up. The chair scooted away with a creak. "Of course, Erwin."

She pulled up a chalkboard. Picking up chalk in her hands. She threw it up in the air as she wiped down the surface with a damp towel. Catching the chalk with her other hand just as she finished cleaning the board. Clearing her throat, she glanced around the room. Purposely avoiding me as a way to provoke me. Her eyes landed back on Erwin. Who face her a nod.

"So for the court case that is happening days from now for us to get Eren in our hands. We will have to create a plan from scrap. Let's start with the base of my idea..."

I heard Hange shuffle closer to me, "I think [Y/N] is angry at you." Hange whispered into my ear. I frowned, glancing at [Y/N] quietly talking among different superiors. Mostly directing her topic at Erwin.

"No shit, four eyes."

Hange frowned. Focusing back at the meeting. "What did you do this time, Levi?"

"Shut your mouth, four eyes. You have a meeting to pay attention to." She was going to reply to my comment. "Oi, if you shut up, I'll listen to your theories about the titans."

She smiled, "Now that's what I wanted to hear."

[Y/N]'s Point Of View:

"I think [Y/N] is angry at you," Hange whispered into Levi's ear. The short stack just frowned as he glanced at me. I furrowed my brows. They couldn't be louder. If I could hear them, then everyone else could too.

"No shit, four eyes." Short stack whispered back.

Hange frowned. Focusing back at the meeting. "What did you do this time, Levi?"

My eavesdropping was cut short. I was alerted after hearing Erwin clear his throat. I shook my head, "Sorry, got lost in thought." Erwin nodded his head in understanding. "Anyways, what I was saying was that we should show that we have power over Eren. And that we could instantly kill him if he suddenly goes crazy. Show some examples too of how he could help humanity with his powers. But we should leak out too much information about our plans with Eren."

Erwin hummed. Standing up this time, ready to elaborate and correct any mistakes in my idea. I sat down, looking at Hange and short stack again. Surprisingly they weren't conversing in another conversation. Mike sighed, nudging me on my side.

"You're staring." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes, "Sorry, Mikey. I have a terrible eye problem." I whispered back at him. "Maybe you have one too based on the way you stare at Levi's door."

He chuckled silently, "You're weird like always."

"Says the one who got into a relationship with a door."


"That concludes today's meeting. You can head back and get some sleep. I don't want to see you overwork yourself tomorrow morning. But also don't forget to fill out your paperwork." Erwin announces. I stood up, ready to head to bed. "[Y/N] stay behind for a little, will you."

I sighed, "Yes, sir."

Shrugging at Mike as he shot me a questioning look. He stopped, glancing between Erwin and me. He finally went when I gave him a reassuring smile. Guess it was rare to see one of me because he left running. Like he had just seen a ghost. I cocked a brow, watching everyone file out. While I sat here, awkwardly.

Finally, the door shut. Leaving us alone. It was silent, too quiet. Watching each other with curiosity. I got enough of this, kind of tired. Yawning, I broke the silence.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I questioned. Watching the blond sit down beside me.

"Why can't you go to the court case?"

I clenched my hands into a fist. Shoving them into my pockets, hiding them from Erwin's wondering eyes. He examined my posture, trying to get a good read off me. Which I made sure was impossible. I stood up, catching Erwin off guard as I walked to the door.

He grabbed onto my wrist, "[Y/N]-"

"I have important things to do that day."

He furrowed his brows, "What could be more important than the court case." His grip tightened. I was pretty sure that was going to leave a pretty nasty bruise. "It's for the sake of humanity [Y/N]. We need to know whats in that cellar."

I ripped my hand out of Erwin's hands. But he reached out again, holding on tight. "I know, Erwin. But I can't be there. Not on that day." I furrowed my brows, "It's very important."

"Nothing could be more important than the court case."

"Well, it is for me."

He frowned, "If it's that important, then tell me what it is."

"It's none of your business Erwin."

I ripped his hand off me. Wincing as I saw yellow and purple spots littered my skin. Where Erwin was holding onto me. I frowned, continuing on my way to the door. I opened it, stepping outside of his office without looking back at the blond. I was really to leave. He had other plans in mind.

"It is part of my business [Y/N]. You work under me. And you're going to miss out on something big. Tell me what it is. And that's an order, Sergeant."

I gritted my teeth. This was annoying. He knew he was going low. This was something I never expected him to do. Yes, I was shocked.  I was in a state of shock for longer than I expected. Well, technically, yes. But did all the rage and anger I had to gather up moments ago take over that shock. Yes. And I was mad, furious.

"That was mad disrespectful for you to use your authority on me like that. Especially when I said no time after time. Can't you see that it's personal?"

I furrowed my brows, trying to compose myself enough. So I wouldn't swing at his face. It was very punchable right now. "If you want to know why I can't go. Then you're going to regret how you treated me tonight, Erwin." I frowned, "And I thought out of all the people I know. You'll understand me the most."

I turned around, redirecting my gaze away from him. I was sure if I didn't do that, then I'll have punched him straight in the face. Clenching my fist, I was sure my hands were turning white from all that pressure.

"[Y/N]. Wait up."

He called out as the door slowly closed. I frowned, annoyed to even hear his voice again. Irritated, I glanced back at him with hatred in my eyes. The type I sought I'll ever use again.

"If you must know Erwin. I'm heading home."

The Savior Of My Past - Levi x Dom!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now