Crackhead spotted at the crossroad?

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I slowly opened the door, careful not to make the creaking sound. Amaira was not to be seen anywhere in the front. She might be in her room as the lights in the living room were not yet switched on. The light from the setting sun was the only thing that made things visible inside the room.

This was my opportunity to go hide inside my room without her notice. I tiptoed towards my room, keeping a watch on either of my sides. If Amaira jumps out of nowhere, I'm sure I'll die from a heart attack. My heart was literally on the verge of bursting when I was just inches away from my room. I stopped tiptoeing and started running afraid to not get caught at the last minute.

I reached my room and latched it firmly. I let out a sigh and turned around with a new relief.

"Aahhhh!!! Shit!!!" I yelled seeing a face staring at me. I clutched my chest afraid that it would burst any second. The face I was trying to avoid was standing right in front of me and that too in my room.

She continued to stare plainly at me for a few seconds. To be honest, I have never been this scared of a person in my life. In front of her, my Blue Moon tragedies seem to be smaller. Her face portrayed that I was going to die by her hands today. She folded her hands on top of her chest and looked at me up and down.

She inched forward and I stepped backwards in fear. She quickened her pace and so did I until my back hit the door. I moved forward a little to turn around and open the door so that I can run away from the room. Amaira pushed me by my chest before I could turn around, making me fall hard on the door.

She locked me in place by keeping her hands on either of my sides. She not once stopped glaring at me even for a second, in the middle of doing all these. I know she is furious for what I did earlier, but thrashing me is still domestic violence. I hope she will not beat me black and blue.

Suddenly, Amaira grabbed one of my shirt collars and pulled me down to her level. I at once knew I was going to be slapped by her on my cheeks. I instantly closed my eyes in fear and folded my hands in a praying position.

"Amaira! I'm extremely sorry for doing that earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you. That was just a heat of the moment thing. Please pardon me one last time. I will never repeat it again." I ranted in fear.

There was no response for a while, so I opened my eyes slowly to see her reaction. It was more furious than earlier which frightened me more. Was sorry not enough? Should I fall at her feet and ask for an apology? I will even do it if needed.

"Uh! You're sorry?" She said and chuckled humorlessly.

"Yes Amaira. I'm honest. Please trust me." I begged.

"Oh! So you kiss girls in the heat of a moment? Are you that type of a guy?" She asked and glared at me which could have drilled holes in my head.

I had no answer to her questions. I felt ashamed but it was better than admitting that I did it out of affection. She didn't feel the same, so it was however inappropriate to kiss. It hurt me when she didn't kiss me back and it hurt me more when she pushed me away. That was not the reaction I thought would happen when I picturized the scene in my mind. I didn't think about the negative aftermath before kissing her, which brought me into trouble.

"No Amaira, I'm not that kind of a guy. You know that, right? Don't get me wrong, please!" I told.

"Jay!" She called out and I averted my gaze towards her. Her eyes looked calm and collected which actually scared me more than her angry face.

"I hope you become more honest and come clean one day. This is getting sick and I am fed up with all these things, Jay. I want this to end as soon as possible." She spoke in a clear voice and walked out of the room.

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