Chapter 2

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I sit curled up on 'my' bed, whimpers escaping my lips the pain still strong. It's been at least 4 hours since curly paid me a visit and I'm kind of praying that someone will either save me, or give me a fucking pain killer. I stare out the locked window (which curly threatened to board up but i begged him not to) watching as the sun climbs up from behind the mountain and paints its rays across the canvas like sky. My eyes travel down to the path and a squeal escapes my lips as I see a figure jogging, I crawl onto my knees and bang against the window with all my effort catching the joggers attention.
"HELP ME! CALL THE POLICE! DO SOMETHING!" I scream also making gestures,hoping that he can hear but to my luck he shrugs and continues his run. I groan and flop onto the bed letting out a yet another groan when my shoulder hits the mattress.

I let out a gasp springing from the bed and running across the room towards my jacket. I bend down digging through its pockets with my left hand and scream out in joy when I grasp my phone. I lean against the cold, rough surface and slide down the wall quickly unlocking it. I scroll through my contacts and click on 'Bae❤' and place the phone to my ear so many Un-describable emotions filling my veins, causing my breath to become heavy with nerves,
"Riley please please help me.please Riley." I cry,
"OMG! WHERE ARE YOU? I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!" He practically screams causing me to flinch and pull the phone away from my ear.
"Riley I'm in that creepy building next to the park.. please hel........" I let out a scream as someone grabs my shattered shoulder and throws me across the room.

"Naught naughty..." the boy tuts, he's defiantly not as tall as curly but he's stronger and meaner by far.
"H-He's coming." I say causing a dark chuckle to echo through my ears and a shiver to crawl down my spine.
"Not if he's dead.." he says and throws the phone against the wall with such force it shatters. I let out a horrified scream of Riley's name and go to run towards my phone, but he throws out his arm coat hanging me,
"Don't even think about it."

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