Taking it to the Street's

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: KiwiKatt

Okey sooo i had a dream about this storie so though i should share it with all of you



** 13years old**

“ Kieran we should have nicknames.” The girl said excited.

“ Yeah your right we should but what would they be.” The boy next to her asked.

“ Well they could be about what we can do.” She said in deep thought.

“ Hmmm well with how you can run away from the boys at school you could be a Cheetah.” He laughed.

“ And you could be a Hawk with how you track and beat up the guys at school.” She chuckled.

“ Well then there we have it I’ll be Hawk and your be Cheetah.” He stated.

“ We should only use our nicknames when it’s important.” She said.

**16 years old**

“ This is it guy’s the final battle, we win this we have control over every other gang in New York.” Cheetah told her gang.

“ And if we don’t win.” Grizzly Bear asked.

“ Only think about the winning.” Hawk told them.

The gang had grown tremendously since they had started gathering people when they were 14. Cheetah and Hawk had decided that while Cheetah would be the leader, Hawk would be her second in command. As their numbers grew Cheetah had decided to call her gang The Carnivore’s. She named each person after an animal that matched them in one way or another as Hawk and Cheetah did with themselves. The gang so far had 18 members.

“ Houdini, Cheetah this is a battle too see who will control the gangs of New York. You know the rules. BEGIN.”

Houdini was the leader of our rival gang Allegance. No one ever saw his face and he only ever showed his self for a council or battle. Council is where all gangs in the area gather and discuss happenenings in the area. When you battle you have to dance to show your worth, if you stepped off the floor it was an instant forfeit.

We battled for hours neither gang wanting to give up the title. We were all tired and on the edge of falling asleep when the leader of the old gang that ruled over New York stepped in.

“ Enough, we have been here for hours and this has to end. I have decided to make it a tie both gangs will share out lands. One will have each side of the bridge. Manhattan and Brooklyn goes to The Carnivores while New York City goes too Allegance.” He stated.

We all stood shocked there was no way that either of us would want to share.

**18 years old**

“ Houdini you need to calm down.” I yelled.

“ Calm down, you want me to calm down when half of your gangs just did a rampage through the city.” He yelled back.

“ Don’t try and blame this on me, I had no idea what they were going to do.” I lied.

Truth was I did and I let them do it because I liked to get under Houdini’s skin. In the last two years since the battle, the numbers of both gangs have risen with The Carnivore’s at 20 while Allegance had 25.

“ I know what your upto Cheetah and it won’t work.” He hissed.

“ And what is that.” I said putting my feet up on the meeting table.

“ You want full control over every gang.” He said.

“ As you and I both know Houdini it is too be shared not given to one person.” I told him.

“ Yes well in future I suggest you and your gang of animals keep under control.” He warned.

“ Ahhh but the things is Houdini, The Carnivores cannot be controlled, I give them freedom and in return they give me loyalty and family.” I stated.


Okey so plz tell me wat u think





Taking it to the Street's (ON HOLD)( Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें