Aug.9.19/I Can't Stop Falling In Love (2/3)

Start from the beginning

Visibly pleased with the procedure of her impromptu breakfast recipe, she prances around dancing around me who have taken a seat in front of the island. I catch her on her third lap and wrap my hands around her hips.

- Did we do something last night? - I ask curiously as she's the one with my shirt on while I'm bare-chested.

- Nope. And you owe me. - Mockingly she pouts, stroking my hair. - You fell knocked out in bed from so many drinks.

- How did we get back here after the party?

- Jake. - Is her simple answer as she untangles herself from me and goes back to overseeing her culinary project.

- What are you doing?

The unpleasant smell of the egg makes me gag, which I try to contain. I drink some more water to ignore it, but it doesn't seem to be working. My head is still spinning although it's more manageable now.

- A couple of omelettes. There wasn't much in the fridge. - She explains shrugging her shoulders and frowns looking at me for a second. - Why, you don't like them?

- To be honest, I feel like throwing up. - I snort, leaning my head on the counter.

- Oh, honey... - She wails, running to me worriedly. I smile sweetly to let her know it's no big deal. - So what are you going to eat? There is fruit, do you want fruit?

- Please. - I squeeze her hand leaving a kiss on it. Camila strokes my hair looking at me hypnotized. - And a coffee, maybe.

- OK! - She hurries to look for the relevant elements to do what I asked her to do.

She audibly groans as she plugs in the coffee maker that Andrew got us but we haven't used at all. We usually go out for breakfast so this is new to us....

- You have to help me with this not-for-millennials coffee maker. - She laughs analyzing the machine from all sides. I get up to join her with some curiosity. - I've been trying to put the filter on for half an hour but I don't know how to open it.

- Isn't it automatic?

- I... - She stops in surprise at that fact and pouts adorably as the buttons light up but don't seem to work as they should. She huffs giving up. - Forget it, Shawn! I'm going to put a pot of water on to boil like old times.

- It's not like you're that old. - I laugh, leaving a kiss on her flushed cheek.

- We both act like old people. - She teases tapping my abdomen with amusement.


After breakfast, I help her wash up the mess she made; we take a quick shower and get ready to pack our luggage at once to kill time. Surprisingly I feel so much better, and I have her to thank for that, she has been looking out for me all morning. It's nice to know that she cares about me in equal measure. She is my salvation and I am hers.

Standing near the closet, Camila separates her clothes for the day and what she will wear to leave for the airport tomorrow, while I concrete a few things with Scott to meet in the studio to discuss the new album.

I can feel Camila's gaze on me and I raise my head to confirm it. A soft, mischievous smile forms on her face framed by her long black hair, and my heart flutters wildly at that view that looks so nice.

Without a word, I approach her position by closing the closet door behind her back and pull her against it with some pressure on her hips. She catches my lower lip between hers, before initiating a kiss that soon turns fiery. She cocks her head as she keeps a firm grip on my hair pulling me closer to her, my hands run up her thighs up her sides and I spread caresses across her back.

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