"That this moment can last forever." You smiled

Johnny smiled back and looked at your lips looking a bit shy.

You knew he wanted to kiss you so you decided to make the first move. His lips were soft and sweet and the kiss felt magical. Johnny's puppy dog eyes looked directly at yours.

"I love you Y/N."

"Me too."


Since you and Dally are both wild and tough you two decided to hunt for some action. So, you two go to a diner at the socs part of town.

As you ate, some soc girls were looking dirty at you-so were their boyfirends. You tell Dallas and he grabs you by the hand dragging you out of the diner as he secretly stole a the soc girls boyfirends wallet.

You two laughed and Dally bought you a skull ring like the one he had.

Soon it has gotten dark and Dally decided to take you up to a hill to look at the city view, he suddenly went soft talking about life.

Though, you never seen this side of Dallas it had made you fall in love with him harder.

As he was talking you kissed him in the lips mid sentence, he looked off guard and smirked at you.

"Dallas Winston...I think I'm in love with you." You blushed

"I got the hots for you too sweets." He said slyly as he leaned in for a kiss.

Suddenly it started to rain and since the car was a convertible you two got soaked but you guys didn't care.

You continued to kiss as the rain poured down.


It was Night already, you hugged Sodapop before he went into his car. Drag Races;  A time where you test your sweet new rides against another. Soda started his car as the engine roared he blew you a kiss, you acted as if you caught it and put it to your heart.

He smiled and mouthed 'I love you' soon you backed away with the other crowd of Greasers who were watching the drag race, a woman came between the two cars and signaled 3...2...1...GO!
Off went Sodapop's car against another gang.

You watched nervously as you cheered for Sodapop.

The car went fast as lightning as it made a hard turn as a screeching noise came.

The two cars were directly by eachother each going ahead one by one.

Suddenly Sodapop's car went fast and He was now the winner of the Drag Race.

You ran towards the car cheering, Soda came out smiling as he grasped you into a tight hug swinging you around, you both laughed. As Soda placed you down, you kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too." You smiled


You and Steve decided to hang around his house for a while, you both baked together making a mess, you two danced to music as you both ate chocolate cake.

Soon you both gotten bored so you both drove around town.

Suddenly some socs came along and started to mess with you, Steve didnt like it but tried to contain his anger, suddenly the soc got ruff and that's where Steve drew the line.

Steve grabbed a pop bottle, breaking the glass taking out four socs, Steve grabbed you closer to him by your waist and Kissed you.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." He said

Darry (ft.The Gang)-

As you and Darry sat in the dinning table, Soda came in dressed like a waiter with a fake mustache.

"Welcome to The Curtis restaurant, what may I get for you today?" He asked

"Well what are the options?" You asked

"The turkey and mashed potatoes are to die for." Soda said in a awful French accent.

"Uh, yeah I'd like that."You giggled

"And how about for you sir."

"The same as my fine girl here." Darry said winking at you.

"By the way we only have tap water, we ran out of orange juice last night." Soda smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

You and Darry laughed, Since you two couldn't afford to go to a "fancy" restaurant you guys decided to bring it to the house.

Suddenly Twobit came in wearing a fake mustache with a guitar in his hands.

"Oh no." Darry said

"What?" You asked

"You'll see."

"Hello, I am here for your entertainment. Today I will play a love song to you two lovers here tonight. This song is called Love Birds...I wrote it myself." Twobit smiled

He cleared his throat and started to sing out of key as he played the guitar awfully.

You and Darry laughed as he continued, After his performance you both applauded as Twobit proudly bowed he then left.

Soon Ponyboy walked in with a canvas and paint and silently sat down looking at the two as he painted.

"Ponyboy what are you doing?" You asked

"You'll see." He smiled sweetly as he continued to paint.

Johnny came in with two glasses of water and placed it down nicely.

Steve, Dally and Soda came in with the food and watched the both of you eat. They all giggled as you guys tasted the food.

"So...how is it?" Steve asked

"Really good, who cooked this?" You asked

"I did! It was all me; Steve just sat there and complained." Dallas said.

"He's lying."

"No I aint."

"Hey, guys! You both did a great job thank you." Darry slightly laughed.

You two finished your food and Ponyboy revealed what he was painting, he proudly handed it to you; It was a painting of You and Darry laughing. Soon the gang went to clean up and You and Darry were out on the porch.

"Sorry it was such a mess." He sighed

"It wasn't.. I Honestly loved it. We should eat dinner at the Curtis Restaurant more often." You smiled.

Darry then leaned to kiss you it was a whole minute. As you pulled away you looked through the window to see the whole gang watching. You laughed.

"Well I gotta get going." You smiled, you two kissed one last time before you drove back home.

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