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I don't notice when Harry walks through my door because I'm too busy listening to Britney Spears and cutting up vegetables with unsteady hands. I know that I'm still a bit shaken up about everything that has happened but I've been trying to busy myself so I don't have a breakdown.

The first thing I hear is his voice. "Josanna?"

I look in the direction of the sound. He then appears in the kitchen entrance a few seconds later, seemingly out of breath. "Are you okay?" His features etch with concern as he rushes towards me. "Are you hurt?"

He begins inspecting me, cupping my face with his hands while doing so. Then his gaze trails up and down my body, eyes frantic.

Despite my trembling hands, I say, "I'm fine."

"You could have been in serious danger, Jo. They didn't hurt you, did they?"

I laugh incredulously. "You're getting more worked up than me. Please try to take some deep breaths."

He goes silent, giving me another once over before he looks at my hands. "You're cooking in a time like this?"

"I'm hungry."

He blinks in bewilderment, jaw going slack.

That's when Crazy by Britney Spears starts to play on my stereo speakers. I begin to hun the melody under my breath, turning back towards my vegetables. "I got pictures of the car they were driving and the license plate number. The police are on their way." I inform him.

He hesitates before asking, "Are you sure you're okay? When you called me you sounded like you were having a panic attack."

I roll my eyes, "That was thirty minutes ago, Styles. This is now." I smile shakily. "Everything is under control."

I can tell that he doesn't believe me. He gazes at me skeptically for a few moments longer but decides not to push it. Despite the facade that I'm trying to put on, it's still nice to have him here with me now. He's giving me a lot of much needed emotional support without even realizing it.

Soon, the doorbell rings which causes him to head towards the front door.

The police officers immediately make their way over to me. They start asking me very direct questions. After explaining everything that happened and showing them the pictures off of my phone, they turn towards Harry.

"Usually victims feel uneasy after a few days. In most circumstances, it eventually fades. However, if the trauma becomes overwhelming, we can offer counseling resources that should help." The officer speaks to Harry in hushed whispers, as if he doesn't want me overhear. "You should file an insurance claim incase anything was damaged. Make sure to put in a better security system too. We suggest maybe a deadbolt and security cameras--incase this happens again."

My jaw drops and I snap my head in his direction. "Again? So what's the point in all of this if they're just going to come back?"

I can tell tell that they're a bit appalled. This is the first time that I've broken my composure.

I clear my throat, apologizing before letting them continue. They exchange a few more words before they let us know how long it'll take for them to contact me. And then they're leaving.

When the door finally closes, Harry sets his gaze on me.

He opens his mouth to say something, but then a large beeping noises erupts from the smoke alarms. Then a scorching smell envelops around us.

My eyes widen. I curse under my breath while he furrows his brows in confusion.

"I burnt my fucking burgers!"

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