"I should probably go. . ." Phoebe faced EJ again. "But thank you, EJ. I needed that." She shot him a small grin before going off to change.

It didn't take long for Phoebe to get dressed, nor did it take long for Clara to do her makeup. "We've got mystery flowers, people!" Carlos announced, walking into the bomb shelter carrying a basket of flowers.

"Wow, those are massive," EJ commented.

"Why mystery?" Big Red asked.

"There was no card," Carlos answered. "So I'm guessing it's dealer's choice. But, If I had to bet, I'd say it's for our leading lady."

"Aw," Nini placed her hand on her heart and looked at Ricky.

"Not from me," Ricky denied. "Sorry."

"Ashlyn!" Phoebe exclaimed when the girl walked into the bomb shelter. She was in her Ms. Darbus costume. "You look amazing!"

"Thanks, Bee," Ashlyn chuckled as she spun for Phoebe.

"Half hour!" Natalie told them.

"Okay, last touches, anyone?" Kourtney questioned, raising her voice so she could be heard. "Speak now, or forever hold your face!"

"Why," Seb turned towards Kourtney. "Where are you gonna be during the show?"

Miss Jenn walked into the room. "My beautiful babies, let's gather around for some housekeeping." Phoebe and Clara walked over to the drama teacher with everyone else. "First of all, who brought Versailles?"

"No one knows," Carlos responded.

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to share then," Miss Jenn decided. "Oh, and speaking of sharing, most of you know that our dazzling Taylor had to leave under family circumstances. Gina sends her love and support to all of you, but unfortunately she's on the East Coast and won't be able to make it to tonight's performance. And so, I have asked Kourtney to fill in in her stead."

Phoebe looked over at Kourtney and clapped proudly along with everyone else.

"So now," Miss Jenn continued. "What I would like to do is, please thing of a word or phrase from the show that expressed where your head is or your goals for tonight. If anyone wants to share."

"You're my guys and this is our team," Big Red shared first.

"What if you wanna try something really new and it's a total disaster and all your friends laugh at you," Ricky stood up.

"Oh, um," Nini spoke next. "Do you ever feel like there's this whole other person inside of you just looking for a way to come out?"

"Do the romp, and strut your stuff," Carlos quoted.

"No, no, I'm not afraid," Phoebe shook her head. "I'm just scared."

Everyone immediately started agreeing or telling her it would be alright. "My shower head is very impressed with me," Kourtney said.

EJ looked at Ashlyn. "I'm proud to call you my sister."

"Aw, it's close enough," Ashlyn pointed at him before holding up her hands. "My nail beds are history."

"Sharpay's kinda cute too," Seb started.

"So is a mountain lion but you don't pet it," the group finished.

"And I'll just say, no matter what happens tonight, we're all in this together," Miss Jenn looked at them for a moment, proud of her students. "Okay, Wildcats, take a moment to settle your nerves. If we had a curtain, it would be up in 20 minutes!"

Phoebe turned to Clara with her eyes wide. Clara gripped her hand and have it a small squeeze. "You'll be fine," she reassured Phoebe before walking away.

Phoebe began pacing, trying to settle her nerves as EJ approached her, a small box in hand. "Hey," he began, looking at the box. "So I kind of got you a gift. I was going to give it to you after the show but I don't know. . . it could be like a good luck charm or something." He held the box out to her.

Phoebe took it and slowly opened it, revealing the necklace with a bee charm inside of it. She laughed. "A bee? Really, EJ."

"It's cheesy," he chuckled. "But I thought it was fitting."

"Totally," she agreed. "I love it. Thank you."

Miss Jenn gathered everyone in the hallway for a prayer circle. Phoebe felt her nerves calm down and then Miss Jenn told them that it was time. Her mind started running with a ton of what ifs. What if I forget everything I know about the piano? What if I forget my lines? What if Nini gets sick and I have to fill in for her?

What if I sing EJ Gross?

𝒎𝒆𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒍 !!
L O L i hate this chapter but it's fine ig😃😃

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