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 For living in probably the wettest place on the planet for the last eleven years, Eve didn't get tired of the rain. She always came to admire storms, especially harsh ones that would include roaring, vicious rolls of thunder, and bright, zigzagging bolts of lightning that would occasionally knock out power across Forks.

  Outside there was one of those more ruthless storms battling that left Eve along with Milo and Darcy taking sanctuary inside the raven-haired girl's home. The three friends were crowding the dining room table with a game of Monopoly set out in front of them and as always, Eve was the thimble which Devin, who grew bored and came to join them, wouldn't stop playing with.
  "Where was my piece?" Questions Eve as she plucks the piece out of Devin's small hands. He encourages her to return it to him while Milo points to jail. "Of course I was."

  "Can I still play with it, Evie?" Wonders Devin in a mopey voice that makes Eve struggle to hide her smile. The boy was so persistent in playing with the small toy as if her having anything is considered valuable to him. "Darcy, can I play?"
  His sister sighs, "Last time you played Monopoly you wouldn't stop crying because Dad made you owe him money."

  "He was being a cheapskate!" Argues the kid and Eve inwardly questions where he learned the name and if he knew what it meant. "Monopoly is for losers."

  Eve jerks her head at him with pursed lips. "Okay," Devin decides, "only everyone except for Evie."

  "Guess we're losers," Milo breathes, stretching in his chair until his limbs nearly reach the walls of the dining room. Devin's mouth falls open and both girls snort. "What's so funny?"
  "You're so tall," memorized, Devin tells Milo.

  Without much practice with kids besides his own sister, Milo blanks on what to say. Thus, he opts for shoving a thumbs up in Devin's direction while sending a pleading look to Eve as if she could handle the boy. She wasn't his mother.

  "I'm no mother hen," she says while patting Devin's head. "Darcy can do it."
  "What? No, he's annoying," Darcy fights back.
  "Oh, shut it, Dev," his sister sasses to only gasp when the thimble is thrown in her direction by Devin. "You little twerp!" She doesn't have a chase after him as Devin and his tiny legs bolt from the room and upstairs while his giggles travel throughout the home.

  "Hey, at least you're out of jail," Milo points out and chuckles when Eve rolls her eyes. "You guys are such saints." His sarcasm was only doubling the number of eye rolls from the freckled girl and earning a small 'shut it' from Darcy as she searches for the missing game piece. 
  "Okay, okay...how about we take a break?"

  Milo and Darcy agree to Eve's suggestion and the trio head towards the kitchen with food on their mind. Taking a seat on the counter with a can of Pringles to her side, Eve watches as her two friends lean against the counter on either side of her. 

  "Alrighty, losers, how has summer been for us all?" Darcy strikes up, eyeing her two friends but keeping her eyes trained on Eve for a few seconds longer than Milo. There was no guessing why, the girl already knew about the war through Quil. Although she wasn't all that close to the boy, it was known that since his cousin knew of their secret, he wouldn't stop blabbering about the pack. However, with this knowledge that she obtained just recently, she's been eyeing Eve out of concern. 

  As much as she did appreciate it, Eve couldn't handle all the reminders of what was to come. Currently, Paul and the pack were training once more with Cullens in preparation for whenever the battle may arrive. 

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