"Shoto! You are required to join me for a meeting at my agency. It will help you understand how to run a hero agency as well as gain insight into other heroes."

"Do I have to attend?"

"Of course! You will dress smart and a car will pick you up at the UA gates tomorrow evening."

And without a goodbye Endeavour hung up, leaving Todoroki to register the news himself. He let out a long sigh, he hated going to meetings with his father: it always ended up with him sitting in the corner 'making notes' whilst his father lectured everyone in the agency; then there would be refreshments and he would be forced to socialise with people he didn't know and act cordial with his father. He put his phone away with another sigh before returning to the dining room.

Everyone took notice of the disdain and frustration in Todoroki's eyes when he returned. Sitting down with a little more force than usual, he apologised for the interruption and continued eating, not allowing anyone to ask what the contents of the call were about even though they had a vague idea. 

Everyone also took notice of the way his jaw clenched and highlighted his Adam's apple, and the way his tensed shoulder carved the outlines of his muscles under his t-shirt. And in the evening everyone noticed his tanned, sweat-glistened body as he returned from intense individual training, a towel strung over his shoulder as he walked past them towards the bathing rooms.

The next day came and went and as usual Todoroki received a love confession or two from the people brave enough to express their feelings and talk to him. However, the male turned them all down gently.

"I'm afraid I can't accept your feelings, though I'm sure someone one day will due to your beauty, inside and out."

"I must decline your confession, although your bravery I admire."

"Thankyou, but I cannot accept. I'm sure someone much more worthy of you will come along."

And despite being rejected, the people were left speechless at his words. How could someone be so perfect and not even realise it? He truly was a gentleman. Even some of his classmates were stunned at the way he declined confessions.

Anyways, the dreaded evening arrived and Todoroki pulled back his daily clothes and took out a suit from the back of his closet. Opening the bag he found a black tuxedo with white shirt and red tie, which he would pair with black shoes.

He even made effort to make sure his hair was perfectly split and there wasn't a single speck of dust on his suit. After grabbing his phone and wallet he left his room after receiving a text from his father's driver that he had arrived. 

He received several looks as he headed down the the ground floor to exit the dorms, and the Dekusquad even asked where he was going.

"What are you doing tonight Todoroki?" Uraraka asked as she subtly looked at how well Shoto's body fit the tuxedo.

"A meeting with my father. I don't wish to attend but I have no choice. I won't be back until late."

"Well, try and have fun!" Deku encouraged and Shoto nodded with a small smile.


The Bakusquad looked out of the window of Kaminari's window as Todoroki made his way over to the entrance gates. Sero smirked before whistling, making the bicoloured male's head incline their way, but he wasn't bothered enough to turn around. But as he opened the car door to climb into the passenger seat, he looked up at them in the window and gave them a not-so subtle smirk of his own. 

He survived the meeting and buffet before returning late in the evening with a long sigh as he entered the dorms. He didn't hesitate to rush to his room and strip off his clothes, finding comfort in some joggers and baggy hoodie. He headed downstairs to watch a random film on the TV until he grew tired, but was surprised he wasn't the only one there.

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