Brothers-(For what tears them apart but another?)

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Wilbur was a fine lad, older than Tommy by a few years, about three to four. 

Training in sorcery, he ran the enchantment shop on his own with Tommy down the local square after moving there from their old home in the woods, which they had left at a young age. 

The cobblestone building sat in the sunlight, its foundations cracked and ivy growing through the said cracks, but never the less it was the place that Tommy and his brother could call home.

But they both knew the memories that echoed through both their minds when that word was spoken.

The upper part of their shop was their living quarters, and it was where they usually had the majority of conversing. 

From the wooden planks of the loft, Wilbur gazed out the glass stained window that showed the crowds of people beginning to leave for the Castle.

 Not taking his eyes off, he addressed Tommy. 

"Have you heard why everyone's treating this like such a big deal?" He asked. 

Tommy's gaze drifted out the window and then back at his older brother. 

Clementine, the shop cat, with the color of a moth's wings, curled up on Tom's lap.

"No." He admitted. "That does seem like a lot of people though, doesn't it?" He frowned. "Wait, that is a huge amount of people. It's not a coronation or anything, right? Just a new captain of the guard?"

Wilbur chuckled.

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