Chapiter 6 : Show must go on

Start from the beginning

- I don't even want to listen to you, do what you want.

She rolled the leaf in her hands into a ball and threw it at Onew with all her might.

- I trusted you and thought you loved him. In the end, you have no respect.

She would have liked to talk to the group about her decision, to tell them that even if she didn't work for the SM anymore, she would still be there for them. But this news upset her too much, so she left the studio with an angry step and went to lock herself up to cry in anger in the bedroom.

- Well, I'll take this news to the big boss," said Eui-Soo.

He left with Soki to see the CEO of SM, Mr Lee Soo-Man. Young looked at them and said as he got up to leave:

- She is deeply disappointed in you. She knows that you can't do anything about the decisions from above, but to go on this tour without fighting to cancel it is too much for her. Good luck making it up to her

- Did you know about the child?

- I knew the day she found out but she wanted to tell him before telling you. As for her decision to leave the SM, it's understandable. Why continue to work for the company that caused the man she loved to become unwell and commit suicide. JongHyun was the love of her life, she was in love with him from the first day she saw you on stage. You may have lost a friend, a brother. But she has lost the star that led her to the SM.

He fell silent to take a sip of water.

- She was dancing before she met you, but seeing you perform at your launch motivated her even more. She saw JongHyun first and fell in love with him. She was always telling me about you and would not miss any of your events, just to see you dance and watch him. She turned down many advances in high school because she loved JongHyun. When she lost him a month ago, she lost her mentor and her reason for living. I'm not saying you're not suffering, and I know it's the opposite. I've never seen you so destroyed. But for her this concert is just something awful and disrespectful. I don't know if she's going to come out of the room and I don't think she's going to want to talk to you if she does. With that, I'll leave you to go and see Meena's parents to collect the keys to her future home.

He greeted them and left. So-Bam stood up.

- I'll leave you too.

She agreed with Meena that it was far too early for them to go back on stage without her brother. She had nevertheless agreed to it, but she had regretted her decision the very next day. But knowing her sister-in-law a little, she was surprised that she wanted to give up her work and the band. She left the room and there was a deep silence.

- What did she throw at you?" Taemin asked Onew to break the silence.

Onew picked up the ball of paper and unfolded it and Meena's handwriting appeared.

- It is a letter.

He unfolded the paper and read aloud


First of all, although my smile is gone for the moment, I am fine.

Yesterday, as I wandered the halls like a ghost, I heard you rehearsing. How do you do it? I haven't had the heart or the desire to sing for three weeks, I don't produce anything.

I don't know if I'll have the courage to tell you this to your face, but by June, I'm going to be a mother of a little girl. JongHyun left without knowing it. This announced birth also allows me to tell you that I plan to leave the SM. I cannot stay when Jjong was not the first to suffer and end his life. They kept on chasing you even though I had warned them, even though several people had warned them. But they turned a deaf ear. I love you but I am abandoning ship. I want to see my daughter grow up. I don't want to deprive her of her only parent.

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