A searing burst of light

Start from the beginning

A bell rang and they had to go to some big meeting.
Yulia felt out of place and she stuck out like a sore thumb,in a dress.

Then they got told that Mal
Their Mal was going across the fold...
And Alina, Yulia and mal's hearts stopped.

Mal tried waking off

Alina called out

"Well if it does work I'll get to visit Ketterdam..."
Mal said...


Yulia was in the cafeteria getting dirty looks from everyone as she got to each freshly picked fruit from the castle gardens and they had slop

"Just ignore them,their jealous"
Mal said to Yulia

She was about to offer him some fruits but before that they heard a man yelling at Alina for being half shu and refusing to feed her.

While Mal was worried about Alina
Yulia was ready to tailor the man so much that he looked like a frog and then throw him into the fold but Mal held her back and suggested they look for Alina before turning a man into a toad.

They found Alina and offered her some grapes that Mal stole while he flirted with a grisha which was just awkward for Yulia to watch.
Also Yulia stress ate all of her fruits so sadly she couldn't give any to Alina
But she promised to her friends the second the next batch of fruit comes she would give them some.

Alina asked
As Mal was telling them about if he had to go though the fold or not

"Yeah well turns out they do need me" Mal said grimly

Yulia's and Alina's hearts pounded

Alina said trying to think of an excuse for Mal to not go

"I could give you a birds feet"
Yulia suggested trying to lighten the mood and was successful
Alina giggled

"Yeah I think I'll pass on the claws thanks"
Mal said jokingly to Yulia

Alina tried to convince him not to go but Mal he just said that he would make his way back to her,to both of them,Yulia and Alina

"But before that I'll go gambling in ketterdam"
He said chucking to himself

"Without me"
Alina pretend to be hurt

While Yulia rolled her eyes and hit his arm


The black general came the next day

"Is he going with us?"

"Well if he is,then you know what he thinks"

And they weren't wrong

But alas here came the time where Mal had to go.

Yulia POV

Alina ran off and I couldn't find her for ages until she returned and said the cartographers were all going as well.

I already knew I was going too
Hence why i was there
I just didn't have the heart to tell them

So I told Alina

No time like the present


"Look Alina I'm sorry but why did you think I was here...look I'm important to the royal family to I've been put under extra protection"

She sighed but finally agreed

And as soon as I knew it
We were off.


Still Yulia POV

Mal tried even carry us off the the boat but we wouldn't let him.
If he did I would actually give him a Bird-like head...

We started moving

I was put under the deck as a way of protection and they would carry the injured down to the bottom and I would heal their cuts and bruises
But I could still see what was going on through a piece of metal on the ground that had square holes in it.

I even saw Alina loose her scarf in the wind...

Soon enough we were in the fold and everything seemed fine,we had already crossed a marker...

We then heard a growl
And another and another...

The next thing I knew there was a fire at the top of the ship and people were being killed by volcras
I heard someone yelling calling the monsters cowards and I recognised her voice it was an old friend of mine
And so I ran up

Just in time to see her get murdered by a volcra
I had tears in my eyes for my fallen friend

But had no time to spare,I ran to Alina and sat with her as we held on to each other and if hurt people fell I front of us I would heal them but it rarely happened

Instead I had to watch people I had known was when I went to visit the little palace for training sessions,all.die

So many faces I've known since I was 11 all dead I was traumatised I saw so many of my friends die gruesome horrible deaths and all I could do was watch and hold onto Alina for dear life

It was horrible, Alexi jumped off which caused Alina and I to scream and cry

Then we saw Mal getting lifted off by a volcra and then one came swooping down and grabbed Alina
I held onto her but another came from behind me.I quickly grabbed a knife i found on the floor and slashed the one that went after me on the face.
I then killed the one on Alina but the one that tried to grab me,came back and Scratched by upper arm.
There were 3 giant claw marks because for it.
It had nearly bit my face off if it wasn't shot in the head by mal,who was still trying to hold on to the deck.
Alina killed the volcra and we both ran other to him.
He was choking on his own blood.
"Ill meet you at the Meadow"
He whispered to us
But at the last second a volcra grabbed me and Alina grabbed on to me then Mal grabbed on to Alina
We were a chain
Until Alina started to glow


1800 words
Hope u enjoyed

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