Chapter 22- Play Pretend

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"Incredible!" I smiled back at her.

"I slayed it like this!" I watched Scorpius as he spun in place and then struck a dramatic pose with the play wand. It was absolutely adorable- but Draco didn't so much as look up from his paper.

Artemis clung to my sleeve. "Mum, I'm having so much fun. I want to stay in the fancy house forever."

I blinked in surprise. "...Well, that's up to Mr. Malfoy."

Draco looked up from his paper and realized he was being put on the spot by the hopeful eyes of the children. He cleared his throat. "...Stay as long as you wish."


Artemis and I stayed another day. She asked about Len only once, and if he would be coming to the fancy house too. I told her no, and that this was a vacation just for the two of us. Artemis wasn't bothered by that at all.

For a four year old, I think she understands more than I thought she did.

I convinced Draco to join me in taking the children for a stroll around the Chateau grounds. I had never seen the yard except from the windows, and just as I thought, it was beautiful. The Chateau had no neighbors, which meant all the forest and wilderness around the home was free for us to explore. Trees swayed in the gentle breeze, carrying the aroma of rosebuds and grass. A path in the backyard snaked around row after row of flowers, disappearing into the far reaches of the yard and then eventually leading down to the bank of a pond large enough to be a small lake.

"Don't wander far!" I warned Artemis as she took off running after Scorpius. With the children off playing, Draco and I were left alone to walk the stone path together in silence.

I feel like there is so much to say, I thought worriedly. This silence is so loud. I know that Draco still has feelings for me. Should I ask him about it, or is he perhaps waiting for me to speak on the matter first?

I honestly didn't know where I stood on my feelings for him. I knew that since I just left my relationship with Len, and it would not be wise to jump into a new one right away. Especially since I still felt guilty for sleeping with Draco. But still... I couldn't deny that being with Draco felt safe. Like I was meant to be here with him.

I awkwardly unbuttoned and re-buttoned my coat in the silence, not sure if I should take it off or not. Draco walked along in his suit, frowning every time we heard the children squeal.

"How is your arm?" I asked, glancing down at Draco's sling.

"Fine," he said curtly. He offered nothing more.

We eventually reached the end of the path, which stopped right as the grassy bank of the pond began. It looked like it had been a wet summer in France, for the water level was quite high, which made a nice home for lily pads, tadpoles, and cranes.

"Why didn't you tell me you had such a beautiful pond?" I asked him.

Draco glared at the water. "Hmph. You call this puddle of algae a pond?" He muttered, "Your imagination astounds me."

"Are you kidding?" I quickened my pace to hurry down to the water's edge. "You just aren't looking at it from the right angle!" I shouted. "Come, stand where I'm standing."

Draco exhaled, and then begrudgingly trod across the muddy grass, cursing under his breath.

"You really ought to get more suitable clothes," I teased. "Mud is terrible for silk trousers."

"I'm aware," he grumbled as he examined the damp hem of his pants.

I gestured for him to stand beside me. "There, isn't this a much prettier view? You can see the whole pond from here." I pointed across the water. "There's a whole row of pines where the birds live- look, you can see them flying in and out. Those purple flowers over there are crocuses. And, well, I'm not certain, but those yellow buds might be a mustard plant. Oh, it's lovely, don't you think?"

I glanced at Draco to see if he was following. Instead of looking out at the water, he was staring right at my face.

"What?" I blushed.

"I could get you some paint. You could make your pictures here."

I was taken aback by his gesture. "Th-that would be nice. Thank you." I flattened my lips into a line. "It has been a while since I was able to paint. Work takes up much of my time. And Artemis, of course. But... perhaps now would be a good time to take some time off." As soon as I said it, I couldn't believe it was something that actually came out of my mouth. And I meant it.

"I thought a workaholic like you would be eager to get back to work," Draco scoffed.

"Well, you are technically one of my patients," I reminded him. "I'll still be checking up on your arm every day. But Artemis and I do have to return to America eventually."

Draco gave me a purposeful look. "I thought I've made it clear that you can stay here. I can keep you safe."

"Yes, but... it wouldn't be proper to overstay our welcome," I said.

"Bullocks," Draco swore, making me jump. "I don't care what's proper. Stay here for years if you must."

My face got hot. "Years? You want me to stay here for years?"

Draco turned towards me with a stern expression. "I just found out we have a child together. Now I know I'm not the fatherly type, and I won't pretend I am for one second. But I want to be a part of Artemis's life in whatever capacity you'll allow. So that means you and Artemis are welcome here any time. So please, stop acting like this is not your home, too."

We heard the sound of little feet running over to us and stopped talking immediately. I hid the fact that I was blushing and looked down at the children, whose knees and hands were covered in black dirt.

"Artemis, what got you so dirty?" I laughed, wiping her dress.

"Me and Scorpius were pretending to be manticores!"

"Were you now?" I smiled. "And what do manticores do?"

"They bite and growl and stuff," Scorpius said. "Right Father?"

Draco gruffly replied, "Manticores don't growl. They have voices that sound like a trumpet or reed pipe." When he noticed Scorpius's shoulders droop, he added, "But their tails are equipped with quills they can shoot out like arrows." And that seemed to perk Scorpius up a little.

Artemis clung onto my skirt. "Mum, can Scorpius be my brother? Pleeeeease?"

My eyes widened. Draco was so startled, he started to cough. "Scorpius, you're filthy," Draco said, flustered. "Come inside and put on clean clothes."

Scorpius looked at his father with pleading eyes. "But-"

Draco began to trudge back up the muddy bank. "Playtime is over," he grumbled.

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