"I'm not a dumbass!"



"What? I'm agreeing with you!"

Felix strides forward and punches Chan's shoulder.


"You deserve it." Felix blows a raspberry at Chan.


Felix opens the car door and sees a series of outdoor stores along the roads. He turns in a full circle to process his surroundings.

"Why are you acting as if you've never been here before?"

"I haven't..."

Chan widens his eyes. "Really??"

But Felix is too busy looking around to notice Chan talking to him.

"Woah... It's so pretty!"

Chan looks around himself. But his eyes travel back to land on a freckled boy, who's too busy looking at the Valentine's Day décor strung along the shop doorways with stars in his eyes to notice.

"Yeah... really is..." the older trails off.

Felix looks back at Chan and the elder clears his throat.

"Right, okay. Where do you wanna go first?"

"I mean... anywhere? Everywhere!"

Chan laughs at how excited Felix looks. He holds out his hand and says, "Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?"

Felix cringes with a giddy smile and willingly gives Chan his hand. "So cheesy."

Chan pulls Felix towards him using his hand and smiles down at him.

"Only for you." Chan kisses his forehead.


Felix makes a noise of curiosity as he looks at the fluffy pink clouds through the shop window.

"That's how they make cotton candy?"

"Yeah!" Chan says. "It's actually pretty cool."

"I've never had it before..."

Chan gapes at Felix.

"You're kidding."

Felix smiles awkwardly.

"Uh... yeah, no, I've never eaten it. Does it taste good?"

Chan blinks at Felix before pushing him into the shop.

"You tell me."

After Chan purchases two sticks of cotton candy, he hands one to Felix.


Felix looks at the cotton-like food then back at Chan.

"How do I... eat this?"

"You put it in your mouth you dumbas- OW!"


"Just eat it, Lix."

Felix skeptically takes a piece off of the stick and puts it in his mouth. He chews slowly as Chan anticipatingly watches him.

Suddenly, his eyes light up.

"Mmm! It tastes so good!"

Chan smiles. "Told ya."

"Like clouds~~"

Felix plunges into the rest of the candy, and he finishes it pretty quickly while the pair walk along the streets. The barista looks over at Chan when he hears a ding coming from his pocket. As he looks at his phone, Felix's eyes land on the last bite of Chan's cotton candy.

Without hesitating, he leans forwards and takes the last bit with his mouth.

"Sorry, I thought it was work, but it was just Jisung- Where's my food?"

Chan looks at Felix and narrows his eyes when he sees the younger shrug with pink fluff poking out of his mouth.

"Seriously?" Chan asks with amusement.

Felix just blinks innocently. Chan licks his lips and leans in to grab the exposed confection with his teeth. He's careful not to touch Felix's lips with his, and when he pulls away, he's met with widened eyes and flushed cheeks.

As he feels the sugar melting in his mouth, his eyes lock with Felix's.

"For some reason, this piece tasted much better than the rest."



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