✿ four ✿

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"So, Felix."

He keeps coming back to the café. Only because the lattes were good.


Chan is currently sitting on the counter, not next to the register, but a bit farther away. He and Jisung had finished their coffee a long time ago, and Chan was just hanging out. 

"Yes?" The barista is still a bit set off from the elder's flirty-ness, but talks to him nevertheless. 

"Which part of Australia are you from?"


"Really?" Chan gapes at Felix. "I was born in Korea, but I've lived there too!"

Felix looks happy. "Finally! I've found someone from Australia."

"So..." Chan says. "We have something in common then."

He doesn't get anything in response, so Chan figures Felix is either trying to form a sentence or is looking down at the floor. Chan passes the next few minutes by drawing patterns on the marbled surface of the counter while Felix reorganizes his workspace.  

He doesn't even think once before asking his brilliant question.

"Do you think I'm handsome?"

A loud thud.

Chan whips his head around to see that Felix has managed to knock down three entire stacks of paper cups in under two seconds. As the boy looks between the cups rolling on the ground and the man in front of him, Chan attempts to stifle a laugh by pursing his lips. 


"Am I handsome?"

Felix bends to pick up the cups. "Um..."

Is he handsome?

Felix slightly looks up to scan Chan's features and turns his attention back to the damned cups again. 

Is he handsome?


He is.

And Felix tells him so.

A corner of Chan's mouth goes up. "So you do think I'm handsome?"

"What? No!"

Chan exaggerates a frown and a pout. "So... you don't think I'm handsome?"

"I-I never said that!"

"You just did Felix."

"I... I..."

Felix is saved by someone walking in through the doorway, and Chan hops off the counter. Felix smoothens out his apron and greets the customer. 

Chan is too caught up with staring at the barista's bright smile, which is why he doesn't notice Jisung advancing towards him.

Jisung silently waves at Felix, who waves back with another cute smile, and drags Chan outside. 

Jisung sighs.

"You're hopeless."



Felix shakes his head as a no for the third time with a smile. 

Chan begins banging his fists on the counter like a baby. "Come onnnnn."

"I'm not giving you my number. What if you end up being a creep?" Felix asks behind the register. Chan looks at him in disbelief. "I'm not though! You know I'm not."

"Do I, though?" Felix teases.

Chan sighs and rests his head on the palm of his hand, with his elbow on his knee. This was essentially a ritual. Chan would come into the café with Jisung, order some coffee, and bug Felix about his number for ten or so minutes before he's dragged off by Jisung again.

Suddenly, Chan looks up. 

"Felix. Wanna play a game?"

Felix is skeptical, to say the least. He isn't sure what Chan has up his sleeve.

"I'm kinda busy," he lies.

Chan glances around the café, only to see 5 people inside, including Jisung. He looks back at Felix like 'Really?' and Felix sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. 

"So. I'm gonna ask you a series of questions. If you answer even one of them correctly, you have to give me your number."

Felix blinks a couple of times. 

"Waitwaitwait," he says in confusion. "If I answer... correctly?"

"Yes. You have to give the wrong answers on purpose, or you lose."

"Oh?" Felix's mouth is in an 'o' shape and he tilts his head to the side like a puppy, which makes Chan chuckle.


Felix thinks for a second. Then he nods at Chan. 

"It can't be too hard."

Well, disclaimer, Felix is wrong, but he doesn't know that yet.



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