✿ eighteen ✿

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It had been a couple days since the night Felix got lost, and the pair had never been closer. Felix's trust in Chan had peaked, and it caused him to become clingier.

So he's finding it especially hard to get through the day when he hasn't seen the therapist in the morning. As he sees the door opening, he drops the towel he has been wiping the table with and almost jumps into Chan's embrace.

The therapist swings him around for a moment or two before setting him back down again.


"Kisses," Felix pouts. He knows Chan melts when he does that.


Felix giggles as Chan gives him kiss after kiss on the cheeks.

"Also, Happy Valentine's Day."

The barista bashfully looks at the ground.

"Happy Valentine's Day..."

"So, will you be my valentine?"

Felix whines and buries his face into Chan's chest, making the older of the two laugh.

"S-sure..." he mumbles.

"Great! Now close up the café."

Felix looks up at Chan.


"It's closing time anyway, right?" Chan checks his watch.

"Yeah," the barista responds, taking off his apron. He walks towards the counter to make sure the register is locked up. "But you said it so randomly..."

"Where do you want to go today?"

Felix whips his head around.


"I'll take you somewhere."


"It's what people do for their valentines... they take them on a date... shocking I know," Chan remarks.

"Wait as in..."

"A date? Yes."


"You're blushing."

"No one asked," Felix groans.

Chan smirks.

"Can we go downtown?"

Chan nods with a smile. "Sure!"

As Felix locks up the café he suddenly stops.

"Wait what?"

Chan sighs. "What now?"

"I get to choose?"


"I get to choose? Like why didn't you just take me somewhere?"

Chan sighs and kisses Felix's forehead. "Of course you get to choose. I want to make sure you enjoy the date."

Felix smiles happily and drops the keys in his pocket.

"Okie dokie."

As they walk to Chan's car, Felix opens his mouth first.

"By the way, I absolutely despise your list," Felix says.

Chan laughs. "What do you mean? It's literally perfect."

"Correction: It's literally so unfair."

"Well if you weren't such a dumbass then-"

Chan stops mid-sentence as he feels no one behind him. He looks back to see Felix standing still, glaring at him.

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