David Image Pt. 2

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Part 2 of the first imagine, requested by 


Alice fussed, refusing to sleep. She didn't accept a bottle, and her diaper wasn't soiled, so it was a mystery as to why she cried. Eventually, David settled on just holding her, which still didn't stop the wailing. 

"Alice, please stop crying," he begged. "I don't know what you want." The baby continued to cry, and David was upset with not knowing what was wrong. "Shhh, daddy's here, Alice. You don't need to cry. He hummed a little, and her cries quieted a little. "You like that, hm? You like making daddy uncomfortable? You want your uncles to make fun of daddy?" A grin broke out on the baby's face. "You're going to be a little troublemaker, aren't you?" She babbled something in baby-talk, grinning brightly. Her cheeks were still wet with tears, but she was happily babbling now. 

"Are you going to sleep now?" David cooed. He attempted to put her down in her crib, only for her to begin crying again. "No? Alice, you need to sleep. Please, baby girl. I know you're tired." She made grabby hands for him, and he lifted her up again. "Are you only going to sleep if I'm holding you? Is that how this is going to work today?" Alice yawned, snuggling into his chest. "Fine. You win." He settled himself in the main part of the cave. It was closer to the sun than he liked to be during the day, but the sunlight didn't really enter the cave anyway, so he settled down on the canopy bed, Alice still snuggled into his chest.

When night came, Alice was still sound asleep, so when the others woke, and went into the main cave, David was still there, unsure whether to move the slumbering child. 

"It was insane how long it took me to get her to sleep," he grumbled. Dwayne gently lifted the baby off of David's chest, waking the small girl. David got up, and took back the now-wide awake baby. "Good evening, sleepyhead," he smiled. "You hungry?" In response, the baby's tummy grumbled. "Boys? What do you all say to grabbing some dinner?" 

"I'm down with that," Paul grinned. 

"Dinner it is," David chuckled. "Can someone grab Alice's baby carrier?" Marko nodded, returning with the carrier, and David buckled the little girl into the seat. They took off into the air, baby Alice cooing from her seat in excitement. She loved flying. After making Alice a blood bottle, they dropped her off at Max's video store, in order to go hunt, which was very difficult with a baby. 

Max loved the little girl. He thought she was the most amazing thing in the world, since he had never realised vampires could even have biological children, after they were turned. 

"Lucy, have you met my granddaughter?" he asked. The woman's heart melted at the sight of the little baby. 

"Oh my goodness! She's so beautiful!" 

"Her name is Alice."

"She looks like an Alice," Lucy laughed. "Blonde curls, bright blue eyes..." 

"Her daddy and uncles needed some time to themselves," Max chuckled. "But I'm always happy watching Alice. She's such a sweet baby. And Thorn loves her." Max's dog barked in response, grabbing Alice's attention. She grinned at Thorn. Max set her down in her playpen, Thorn joining her immediately, and the two happily played. Alice rolled one of her balls over to Thorn and the dog pushed it back. Her giggles were the cutest thing Lucy had heard. An hour or so later, David and the others returned, earning an unhappy pout from Alice, when she had to leave Thorn. 

"I'm sure you'll see Thorn tomorrow," Dwayne promised. His niece looked up at him, before bobbing her head in agreement. 

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