Finest Dining

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Paul was fed up with feeding on lowlifes they found on the street or the boardwalk. Most were either unhealthy, or had too many chemicals in their blood stream, and even though Paul was one for drugs, he didn't want his meals tasting like that. It was just disgusting. 

"We need five star dining tonight," he declared. Dwayne frowned. 

"What are you talking about?" he raised an eyebrow. 

"I say we have some rich folk for dinner." 

"Why?" Marko chimed in. 

"Because I'm hungry for something other than streetrats." 

"Ask David." Dwayne grumbled. 

"Where is he?" Paul glanced around the cave, their leader nowhere in sight. 

"Outside," Marko grinned. Paul left, and returned with a contemplating David. 

"We could try Paul's idea..." he muttered. "I know a place." Marko and Paul highfived, with Dwayne just giving him a look. They hopped on their motorbikes, following David to a different part of Santa Carla. They stopped in front of a lavish restaurant, where the guests were all donning fancy dresses and tuxedos, gold watches, diamond necklaces, clearly proving their status. They slunk around the side of the building, allowing them to watch people coming and going. Finally, a group of four adults passed, laughing, and talking amongst one another. The vampires quietly stalked their prey, until they were sure they were far enough from the restaurant, and out of earshot, should their meals decide to scream. 

Their blood was unlike any Paul had ever drunk from. It was rich and velvetly, coating his tongue, and sliding down his throat with ease. Most seemed too frightened to even attempt at fighting back, David's meal being the only exception. He kicked, punched, and shouted, until he was too weak from bloodloss. The group drank the last bit of blood from their meals. Marko grinned wickedly, grabbing the woman he had drained, and draped her limp body across the hood of the nearest parked car; a white lamborghini. 

"Hope whoever owns this car doesn't mind a little blood on it." He laughed. "That'll teach those rich snobs." Dwayne shook his head. The group left, staying just long enough to hear the screams of whatever unfortunate soul discovered the horrific scene. 

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