Chapter 1

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" I'm Simon, Simon Gong, nice to meet you Zhehan " he said smiling. Zhehan was still shocked as he continued to look at both of their picky fingers to see the red ropes hanging tied tightly. " Why are you looking at my hands weirdly ? " Simon asked to Zhehan not sure what he was doing " Do you have some weird hand fetish ? " Zhehan came back to his senses, he shook his head in disbelief of what he had seen " No ! " Simon made a confused face.

" No ?! " Zhehan screamed " Noooooooo ! " Zhehan ran away from the place making Simon more confused, " What the hell is wrong with this guy ? ". Meanwhile Zhehan ran towards the exit not able to believe what he just saw , he breathed heavy leaning against the rails of the stairs " Why him out of all ? " he said holding his head in his hand. " Why do my long awaited soulmate had to be a guy ? " Zhehan asked himself banging his head against the door of his classroom. Part of his childhood trauma also included him getting bullied in middle school for looking feminine and people would call him gay and other names. Hence he made sure to stir away from that direction and now his fate was playing games with him by making his soulmate a guy.

Meanwhile Simon who was confused by Zhehan, shrugged off and left the place " He's weird " he laughed thinking about him. Simon had other work to do and the reason he was dragged to the lecture at the first place was his friend wanted to flirt with the girl he liked and he wanted Simon to come along with him. " The next time you want to flirt with a girl, don't bring me to boring lectures like these " Simon said rolling his eyes as his friend draped his arms over his shoulder " I'm sorry, you know what since she's coming to club with me, I'll treat you as well " his friend pulled him closer " And I'll hook you up with some pretty girls " Simon smirked " Sounds like a deal " he said while his friends dragged him away.


An hour later ...

" Zhehan " Zhehan's friend called him in a low tone since they were in library, Zhehan even though was reading a book he looked spaced out, after realizing his soulmate was a guy he decided it was best not to make any situations which would lead him to Simon. Because he knew as he had seen them by himself that once they had met with their soulmate, fate will bring them together one way or another. He made sure to avoid him all the time. Zhehan's friend called him once again as he looked spaced out " Zhehan ! " he shook his head and looked up at his friend " Huh? What is it ? " Zhehan's friend laughed " Are you alright ? " he asked worried, Zhehan smiled " I'm okay " he gave him a thumbs up making his friend laugh once again " We are going to the club today and we want you to join us as well " Zhehan shook his head.

" No, I'm not feeling like going to club today " his friend sat down opposite to him " Come on~ Our department gets hardly any free time and you get hardly any free time, since you are always demanded among professors, it's a miracle all of us have free time, I think you should use it " his friend explained patting his hand, Zhehan thought about it, he sighed " Fine I'll think about it " his friend smiled " Okay then I'll text you the address if you do change your mind, you are more than welcomed to join us, I'll wait for you " Zhehan nodded as his friend left. Zhehan sighed going bac to his book. As he flipped through pages his phone pinged, he looked at the the message that he had received " Ah this club again ? " he shook his head seeing the address, he wasn't sure if he wanted to go, but his friend was right about the break, so he had two thoughts about it.


" What about her ? " Simon shrugged, his friend sighed " Dude I've been showing you girls for the last forty minutes and all you did was say something about those girls and reject them all " Simon laughed draping his arms around his friend's shoulder " Not everyone is eager to have a girlfriend, I'll just wait till I find someone who steals my heart regardless of who they are " his friend patted his head " What ever bro, I'm going to enjoy my time with my girl, you just sit with us and enjoying drinking and continue scouting for your ' Heart Stealer ' okay ? " his friend laughed at Simon while Simon hit his head  and made a poker face " That's for making fun of me " 

As Simon was talking with his friends and enjoying the drinks, he heard a small group of girls gossip, Simon didn't bother at first because club is a place that is meant to be noisy. But these group of girls were talking fixing their eyes upon someone " Who are they talking about ? " Simon asked his friend, he shrugged " I don't know " Simon nodded a she continued to drink. As his glass of drink was over he decided to get another glass of drink, so he got up and went to the bartender to order his drink. " Excu... " he started but then he was cut off when someone else stood beside him earning the attention of the bartender " Excuse me ! Can I have a glass of vodka ? " the bartender smiled nodding his head " Sure ".

In the dim lights Simon wasn't able to figure out who the guy was, it wasn't until later he had got a drink he walked over to the table to his group of friends, under the lights of the table where he sat he noticed the guy. " Zhehan ? " Simon smirked walking over to the table. But before he could go his friend pulled him by his collar " Dude ~ That's other department student, don't pull your pranks over them " he said warning Simon. He took his friend's hand off his shirt and smiled " I know that guy, I'm just going over to talk " his friend cocked his eyebrows up, Simon rolled his eyes " Believe me or not, I'm just going over to talk " he said brushing his hand off and walking to Zhehan's table.

" Finally nerd Zhehan is here " Zhehan's friend made fun of him while pulling him to sit beside him, Zhehan laughed and then made a poker face and with a strong blow he hit his friends head and continued to drink while watching his friend wriggle on pain " Never call me nerd " his friend nodded his head acknowledging what Zhehan had said. As they were busy talking, Zhehan felt a tall figure standing beside him, he looked up and his eyes fell upon Simon smiling at him with a ever so sweet smile. For a second Zhehan felt as though his heart skipped a beat as his eyes dilated pupils searching for something in Simon's eyes. 

Simon smiled once again " Hi Zhehan ~ " he said in a low tone, but his voice made Zhehan's heart skip it's beat once again. He was completely in a trance, Simon on the other hand waved a hand to get back Zhehan's attention, he laughed at Zhehan's action. He shook his calling him once again " Zhehan ? " he was back to his senses, Zhehan pushed his hands off and stood straight. Simon looked worried, he was not sure what was happening with Zhehan, he moved closer to him " Zhehan are you okay ? " Zhehan's eyes grew big in shock " STEP AWAY ! " he said raising a hand between him and Simon.

Simon looked at him worriedly " Did I do something Zhehan ? " he asked in a low tone in fear that he might make Zhehan uncomfortable once again. But Zhehan took his coat and ran fro the door " You stay away from me ! " he said screaming as Simon stood their confused. On the other hand, Zhehan had managed to get a cab for his dorm room. Inside the cab he heaved a sigh of relief, he placed his hand upon his heart, which was now beating irregularly as though it had seen something it shouldn't have seen " Why is my heart beating like this when I see him ?  " he questioned himself trying to clam his irregular beating heart down.  


To Be Continued ...

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