"You are cooked, Jenn wants to eat....."

Start from the beginning

After exiting the shop, I headed to this restaurant and here I am - eating with my heart's content with my favorite people.

Today has been great. I spent it with all my favorite people list which now also included Jennifer. After an hour or so, around half past seven or almost eight, I reached the Parker Mansion. I had asked Jess and Jake to come with me as the driver would drop them before dropping me. They agreed and after making sure that I was perfectly fine and fit, they went one by one.

I went inside the mansion i.e. 'The homely house' to find that everyone including Mr. Apathetic were sitting in the hall, talking about something. I went towards them and then looked closer to see that only Jennifer and John were talking something, chuckling in between, while Mr. Apathetic was busy typing something in this phone. Of course.

Jennifer's attention came to me when she saw me entering the house and said

"You are back! We were waiting for you only to have dinner."

Dinner? I just ate....... I think my stomach is quite full. I think I have to refuse the-

"The Salsa beef and fried chicken is ready. The dessert is almost-" I cut Jennifer off by saying/exclaiming in excitement 

"What are we waiting for? Let's dig in! Come on everyone."

Who needs an empty stomach for treats like these! Not me;)

Jenn and John chuckled at my excitement as I pulled Jennifer and John from the sofa and started to guide them towards the dining table. This was the first time we would be eating together as a...family.

Don't get your hopes up, it's just for an year. My inner voice mocked me.

I pushed the thought aside and decided to live in the moment. 

"Put a little bit of your cheerfulness in your brooding husband also Eva. Call him for dinner." Jennifer said rolling her eyes at Mr. Apathetic who was unfazed by us, still staring at the phone  screen.

What the-

"I don't think my cheerfulness is enough to overshadow his 10^8000000  times brooding nature." I muttered to myself but unwillingly went towards Ace. I looked behind over my shoulder to see that Jenn and John were already gone to the dining table.

I slowly went towards him, trying to formulate words in my brain to say to him. It isn't everyday that I am asked to call Voldemort for a mere dinner. 

I stopped in front of Ace who had not turned his attention to me even for 0.00000001 seconds. He was still busy in his phone.

I cleared my throat and tried to ask him even though I knew he was going to snap.

"Jenn wants you to come for dinner." I said in fake confidence.


"Helloooo." I tried to wake him from his phone-my-first-love-stance.

"What the fuck happened?" He snapped.

"I knew it." I murmured to myself.

"What do you want?" He asked again irritated. 

"Jennifer wants the dinner to eat you." I said looking at the beautiful Persian mat beneath me. 

"What?" He said almost in disbelief  and when I realized what  I said, I clamped my mouth in horror.

I composed myself and said "You are cooked, Jenn wants to eat....." I did it again.

Ace stood up from the sofa and was about to lunge towards but thankfully I stepped back in time.

Ace Of Hearts(#Book1 in ACE series)Where stories live. Discover now