Chapter 3 - Principal's Confidential

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I scanned the hallway as Dahlia worked her magic with the vent. Seriously, it was our only option, no other entrance would work. Unfortunately, we know no transfiguration spell.

That might be for the better.

"Coast is clear?" Dahlia asked and I nodded. "Hopefully."

Dahlia squinted her eyes at me. "Hopefully?" she repeated.

"Quiet down," I smirked at her, "Let's just do this."

"I wouldn't advice going in blind," said someone. 

Who the-

We turned around to see the Gemini boy from earlier, Orion. 

"Aria, I thought your magic was reliable," Dahlia sneered. 

"Me too!"

"Hey, hey, quiet down, quiet down. Look, Principal Iris is not alone in that room. If you want to ask her for information-"

"Asking?!" I exclaimed quietly.

"Interrogate," Orion corrected, "Make sure she's alone. Knowing the principal, she's more likely to talk when nobody is looking."

"Wait, how do you know this again?" Dahlia asked. Orion pointed at his gold eye. "It's a heterochromia Gemini thing. 

Dahlia nodded, satisfied. "Okay. You've got a plan?"

"Dahlia go. Aria, stall anyone who tries to enter."

I widened my eyes. "Why me?!"

"You're the Aquarius!" Orion said like it was obvious.

Actually, other than my light blue eyes, it was obvious.


"Our whole world is stereotyping!" 

 "Guys," Dahlia quickly cut our argument. "Come on."

"I'll keep an eye out for anything that may come in the way. Dahlia, once you make sure she will talk, convince her to let us in," Orion finished. 

"Why can't we just knock and ask like a normal person?" I wondered out loud.

"Because one, it would be less fun, and two, if Principal Iris sees how dedicated we are, she'll hopefully talk."

"I can clearly hear you three talking right outside my office," the three of our heads snapped around to see the principal crossing her arms in front of her chest. "And you three definitely deserve a free entry."

The free entry she was talking about...

I'm guessing it's detention.

You know, when you did something supposedly bad to someone and a teacher tells you to "go to the principal's office". I mean I never really knew what happened in the principal's office since I always got away with my mischief. 

So yeah.

I'm guessing it's detention.

"Seriously, I'd expect the three of you to be more clever about plotting in front of the very place you're trying to break into," Principal Iris shook her head as she circled around us three. "I'm disappointed."

For some reason, her words struck me. Something made me feel bad for disappointing her. Then again, it often happens. 

"Ma'am," Dahlia started, but Principal Iris stopped her from continuing. 

"I'll have you know that this kind of behavior is not permitted in school grounds. No matter how rebellious you folk are."

'Folk'? I don't know why, but that struck me weird in a way. It sounded more like...Gemini-Libran talk. Is this woman really an Aquarius? What weird traumatic experience could she have gone through to be this way?

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