Chapter 1 - Socially Awkward

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I am not socially awkward.

I am not socially awkward.

I am not socially-

"Aria, right?" asked a girl with blonde hair, green eyes, and freckles. She was wearing a simple, orange T-shirt, denim jeans, and black and white sport shoes.

I flinched at her words. "No- I mean- Maybe- I mean yes," I quickly stumbled over my words.

Alright, back to chanting. I am not socially awkward. I am not socially awkward. I am not-

"I'm Alice," the girl continued, "Sagittarius."

Seriously, girl, how much do I need to give you the silent treatment until you'll get the hint that I don't want to engage in conversation?

"I'm Aria...Aquarius," I just realized how stupid I just sound. I should just stop talking. You too, Sagittarian girl.

"It's your first year here too, right?" she asked as the startrain finally stopped at the station. "Yep! Gotta run, see you around!" I quickly said and bolted out the train, eager to end the conversation and continue being absorbed in my own mind.

Now, I am-

"Nice haircut. Suits you," said a boy with blond hair and a confident smirk on his face walking past.

Seriously, I can't tell you how much I want to curse right now. But gotta keep it friendly for them kids.

I watched the blond boy continue walking past. He wore a white hoody, denim jeans, and black and yellow sport shoes. I definitely knew who that boy is and he is none other than the jerk who keeps messing with not just my mind, but my heart as well.

And here I though my kind are more immune to these kinds of feelings.

Oh, sorry, 'my kind' sound racist.

I really gotta get my mind straight.

Oh wait I never actually mentioned his name. Yeah so he's Paul Salomo, Leo. We...get along pretty okay I guess. At least I can still talk to him normally.

I mean as normal as I can be. Uh, I mean like I don't know if I'm normal or not, I just feel different. God, I don't know how to explain. Ugh, I don't like feelings.

I focused my mind on the school before me. The perimeter was lined with peach, stone gates without openings. The gate itself was black and metal, extending to about the size of quarter a basketball field. Sorry, I don't know what else to compare it with.

People were pooling through the gates, excitement in the air. There was a group of Libran girls with their signature chocolate brown curls and olive eyes laughing together. Another group was filled with boys from different houses, blonde Leos, black-haired Aquarians, heterochronic Geminis, and more.

"Aria," said someone. "Gah! Alice, I swear-" I turned around to see Dahlia, a Scorpio I met online. She had black hair with a dark purple streak at the front that matched her eyes. She wore a dark purple jacket over a purple T-shirt, denim jeans, and black and purple shoes.

"Sorry, thought you were some Sagittarian girl," I sighed. Dahlia raised an eyebrow. "I never sound like a Sagittarian, my voice is way deeper."

I sighed. "I was in my head. Sorry," she said again, but Dahlia waved the issue aside. "Never mind that. Come on. Let's get to the dorms and I can finally progress on my game."

The both of us walked through the gates. I've heard of the inside of the prestigious Astro Academy, but the pictures are never the same as the real thing. The courtyard was huge, some parts covered with stone tiles others with green grass. There were circular benches circling some big-leafed tree or big stone decorated with flowers and vines or moss. In the center of it all was a waterfall decorated with flowers and the symbol of Astro Academy, stars surrounding a full moon. I honestly though that this place was perfect for some early morning healing sessions. Though, I'm not much of a morning person.

Astro Academy: Artifact Reconnaissance (Book 1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum