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"I'm really happy for the two of you." Mitsuki said with a wide smile as she sat in the kitchen with Midoriya and her son. They had just finished their dinner, so they were using this time to catch up on a few small things since they didn't see each other too often due to school and work.

"I never thought I would see the day where my mother would be happy that I married you." Bakugo whispered towards his husband with a small laugh.

"Although, I wished you would have waited till you were done with UA and could have an actual wedding." She said with a hint of sadness in her voice. She had come a long way in the last year and a half. She learned to love and accept her son and of course Midoriya as well. She has admitted her faults and did the best she could to turn her life around, and she did.

"I tried to get him to marry me the day he turned 18, but he wouldn't budge on it. He apparently didn't want our anniversary to be on the same day as his birthday." Bakugo said with a fake pout as he looked to his amazing husband.

"I turned 18 less than two weeks ago, I say that's pretty damn close there Kat." Midoriya responded with a small laugh. They took one week to plan the smallest wedding they could imagine. It was just their parents and themselves at the courthouse, nothing more. They didn't care about having a giant and extravagant wedding. As long as they got to marry each other, they were happy.

"Do any of your friends know?" Mitsuki questioned, hoping they did. This was something you definitely should have at least told the important people in your life.

"Kirishima, Ashido, Uraraka, Iida, Himari and Sakura all know." Midoriya informed. They decided to tell their best friends because they didn't want a repeat of what happened when they had left UA a few years prior. They didn't tell everybody, but they could live with the consequences of that.

"When are you telling the rest of them?" She asked as she began cleaning up the empty plates.

"Tonight." Bakugo said with a smile as he gently slid his hand into his husbands. "We're all heading to Himari's in a few minutes to have an old fashioned game night." He informed. They hadn't done much of anything since they started their first year. They had been extremely busy with internships and school work.

"When are you heading out?" She asked as she walked back over to the two men.

"Now actually." Bakugo responded as he gently pushed himself from the table, pulling the green haired man with him.

"Oh, well you two have a good time." She said with a smile as she stepped towards the two before pulling them both into a group hug. "I love you brats, be safe and have fun." She said as she separated them two. Even after all this time, they still weren't back to how they used to be. She could tell that the green haired man was still uncomfortable around her sometimes. But, they were getting closer and closer everyday. She knew she massively messed up and she knew that this was the consequence of her actions.

"We will mom, love you." Bakugo said behind him as he and the green haired man slipped their shoes on quickly, wanting to beat their friends there.

"Love you too brat."


"What's up Bakugo?" Kaminari questioned as the large group sat sprawled across the back patio at Himari's house.

"Katsuki." The blond responded instantly. A few select people knew what was going on, but most of them were certainly confused at this point in time. "All of you idiots can call me Katsuki." He said a little louder, getting a bunch of confused looks from the class.

"Um, okay?" Todoroki questioned. It was common for his closer friends to use his first name, just not the whole class.

"We're just going to come out and say it I guess." Bakugo said with a simple shrug as he looked over to his husband, silently asking for help.

"We left for the weekend and didn't come back until late last night because we went to Hosu." The green haired man started as he sent a loving look to the fiery blond. He still couldn't believe that they actually had eloped. "That's because we may have, kind of gotten married." He blurted out with nervousness. They were going to get a lot of heat and disapproval, but hopefully none from the class.

"Y-you what?" Mineta questioned in pure shock as he glanced back and forth between the guilty looking couple. Instead of responding, Bakugo grabbed a small folder from his bag before grabbing their marriage certificate. He pulled out his wallet and grabbed his new hero license as well before handing them to the massive group.

"Oh my god, you guys actually got married!" Kaminari said with a wide smile as he looked over the items they were handed.

"I take it you want us to call you Katsuki because you took Midoriya's last name." Todoroki added as he glanced to the happy couple up front. Since they came back to UA, they have had the perfect relationship, so this shouldn't be all that surprising. They've loved each other their whole lives.

"Yupp. Katsuki Midoriya sounds way better than Izuku Bakugo." The blond replied with a laugh as he slid his arm around the green haired mans waist, pulling him close. The class seemed thrilled, which made the duo extremely happy.

"So the next step is graduation and getting an apartment." Midoriya whispered to the love of his life.

"Then we'll start building our own agency from the ground up." Bakugo whispered in reply while the rest of the class continued freaking out over their huge announcement. "Then we'll eventually add kids to the mix." He said with a toothy grin.

"I love you so much Katsuki Midoriya." The green haired man whispered as he relaxed into his husbands muscular arms and abs.

"I love you too Izuku." The blond replied with a wide smile, loving how good his new name sounded coming from his lips. For the first time in a long time, they knew everything was perfect and was going to work out. They were almost done with school, they had the best friends in the world, both of their families were completely supportive and they got married. Everything was looking good in their reunited love.


Well, there it is guys🥺❤️ As per usual, I hope you enjoyed this story!! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments along the way, it means so much to me🥺🥺❤️❤️

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