Mitsuki's Altimative

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"I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to stop by and see me brat." Mitsuki said with a small sigh as she and her son sat at opposite couches. It was the first time they had seen each other since he exposed her, and neither thought it was going to end well. Despite being a happy family for almost eighteen years, they felt awkward around each other now. It was like they were meeting for the first time.

"Well, I figured I had to face you at some point." He replied with a heavy sigh. The festival was tomorrow and his mother had to decide what she wanted to do for custody before Tuesday, he really couldn't push it off any longer.

"How's MH?" She questioned as her eyes looked over every inch of her son. Despite not being in UA, his muscles were as prominent as ever and he looked just as healthy.

"Not bad." He replied with a simple shrug. "I got to reconnect with Himari and Sakura, so that's nice." He informed before taking a deep breath. He wanted to break down and start screaming at her again, but he was trying his best not to do that right now.

"That's good to hear." She replied with a small smile. "How are your classes? You doing okay?" She questioned.

"I skip half of them, so I guess I'll find out at the end of this year. It's practically around the corner anyway." He informed, trying to hold back a smirk.

"You're skipping classes?" She questioned as her anger began rising. "You've always been so smart and tried so hard in school!" She yelled. She told herself she wouldn't get into a fight with her son today, but she should have known that was impossible. "Is this because of Izuku? I heard he goes there with you too now."

"That's Midoriya to you." The blond spat back instantly. "You have no right to call him by his first name." His voice grew louder with each passing word. "And no, it has nothing to do with him. I worked so hard through the years to go to UA, but why should I care anymore? I'm going to a shitty school that won't take me anywhere in life, so why should I care?" He asked as his anger began rising. He really did want to stay calm, but her bringing his boyfriend into this conversation changed his outlook entirely.

"Stick out your tongue." She ordered with a firm voice as she looked to him in disgust. He glared at her for a moments before following her orders. If she was already mad, he might as well go all out here. When he stuck his tongue out at her, she gasped at the silver ball sitting on the top. "Why the hell did you do that?" She spat with disgust and anger. "You can't have a piercing like that and expect to be a hero!" She yelled, causing her son to laugh.

"You think I am going to be a hero?" He questioned between his laughter. "I won't be and you made fucking sure of that."

"You can go back to UA, but you can't be with Izuku." She spat.

"Here's the thing old hag." Bakugo started with venom in his voice. "You can fight for custody of me and try to keep me out of UA, but you won't win. You blackmailed a minor and even if there are no charges, the jury won't look at you like an innocent mother. Not to mention the fact that I get a huge say in who I want to live with." He spat harshly. He just wanted to have this conversation and leave, he never intended on staying long. "But if you do fight for custody and I can't return to UA, I will never forgive you. I will never see you again and I will never talk to you." He informed as he stood from the couch. "If you want any chance at mending our relationship, you'll let me be happy. You'll let me be who I am meant to be and you won't interfere. You'll also get counseling to help you understand my 'way of living' better. You'll apologize to me, dad, Inko and Izuku and you'll spend the rest of your life making it up to them. They are good people with kind hearts and you really fucked that up."

"Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do?" She questioned with rage as she pushed herself from the couch with tears pooling in her eyes.

"I'm just a kid, who was betrayed by the only woman in his life that he trusted." He responded with no emotion. He was already over this conversation. "Like I said, if you ever want to fix our relationship, you'll just sign over all parental rights to dad. Because if you're the reason that I can't be a hero, I will never forgive you." He spat as he stared her down. She was looking thinner nowadays and she looked exhausted. Her bags under her eyes had bags.

"Katsuki, I love you, but I don't know if I can just sign you over and never see you again." She whimpered as he began walking away from her to gather his belongings.

"Have you listened to a damn word I said? If you fight for me, I will never see you again. However, if you let me live with dad, agree to go to counseling and agree to apologize to Izuku and Inko, we can try to mend our relationship. Until then, I don't want to see you." He replied with a heavy sigh. As mad as he was, this was still his mother. This was the person that raised him and loved him for years. It should be easy to push her away after what she did, but it still hurt.

"Please Katsuki, can we just talk a little longer?" She begged as she followed him to the front door to see him putting his shoes on.

"No." He responded immediately. "I have to prepare for the school festival tomorrow. Unless the next words out of your mouth are 'I'm sorry' or 'I'll sign over parental rights so we can fix this', then I don't want to hear them." He said in a broken voice, barely above a whisper.

"I was only trying to do what was best for you!" She counter argued as tears fell down her face rapidly.

"No you weren't!" He yelled back, not turning to face her. He had tears slowly falling down his face at this point and he didn't want her to see them. "If you were doing what was best for me, you would have supported me no matter what. You would have been proud that I made it into UA, you would have been happy that I was in love, even if it was with another man. You would have loved me for who I am and who I want to be. You weren't doing what was best for me mom, you were doing what was best for you." He lectured as he opened the door. He was done, he said what he needed to say. Even if it was harsh, it had to be this way. He loved his mom, but he wanted to be happy. He wanted to be a pro hero and be with Midoriya. It's all he's ever wanted his entire life. When she didn't say anything in response, he stepped into the crisp spring air and shut the door behind him.

He quickly made his way down the steps and to his fathers car, appreciating the fact that the wind was helping dry his tears. When he reached the car, he quickly opened the passenger door and jumped inside. He immediately began feeling calmer just being in his fathers presence.

"How did it go?" Masaru asked nervously as he slowly began backing out of the driveway.

"As good as you would think. We snapped, we yelled, she cried, I yelled some more, then I left." He informed as he turned his head to look out the window.

"Katsuki, everything will work out just fine. Even if she does decide to fight, I'll talk to the courts and my lawyer and see if we can get you back into UA while the trial is happening. You will become a hero, I'll make sure of it." His father informed with a sad smile. He wished he could do more right this second to help his son, but unfortunately, he couldn't. Nothing hurt worse than watching your child go through pain and there isn't anything you can do to help. Bakugo smiled at hearing his fathers words. At least I have one good parent. He thought to himself before attempting to bury his argument with his mother in the back of his head. He was about to go help with the festival and he didn't want to be distracted. The only thing he wanted to do the rest of the day was prepare for the festival with his friends and boyfriend.

Reunited LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora